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Vegetables Tomato Seeds For Sale In Coral Springs

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Momotaro Tomato
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / 15 seeds

When transplanting work in compost, 1/2 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer, and handful of bone meal. Green fruit should be ripened in a cool, dark area; make sure fruit are not touching HR indicates high resistance.
  • Hybrid Variety: Yes
  • Min. Germ.: 80%
  • Row Spacing: 3-4'
  • Seeds per 1/8 gram: ≈ 35-40
  • Seed Life: 3 years
  • Soil Temp. for Trans.: 55°F
Coral Springs
Supersweet 100 - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Packet

Sow 1/4" deep in flats, using a soilless peat-based mix (not potting soil), 5-6 weeks before plants can be transplanted out after frost danger. Fungicides can reduce certain diseases when properly selected and applied.Fully vine-ripen fruit only for local...
  • Disease Resistance Codes: Fusarium Wilt (Race 1), Verticillium Wilt
  • Good for Trellising: Yes
  • Days To Maturity: 60 Days
Coral Springs
Heirloom Marriage ™ Genuwine Tomato
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 20 seeds

Not recommended. The indeterminate plants are ready to harvest two weeks before either of the parent plants. Fertilize with Age Old Grow every 10-14 days. Overall Rating:. Early and late blight.
  • Soil Temp for Germ.: 70-90°F
  • Days to Emergence: 6-14
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Plant Spacing: See below
  • Row Spacing: 3-4'
  • Hybrid Variety: Yes
Coral Springs
Plum Regal - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Packet

Grow seedlings at 60-70°F (16-21°C). Good disease resistance package. Plant 3-8" inches deep, covering the root ball well and up to the cotyledons (first leaves). 8,540 seeds/1 oz., to produce 1 acre of transplants, 18" between plants in rows 4' apart...
  • Days To Maturity: 75 Days
  • Disease Resistance Codes: Fusarium Wilt (Races 1 & 2), Late Blight, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, Verticillium Wilt, Alternaria Blight
  • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Coral Springs
Marbonne - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / Packet

If using grafted plants, take care to ensure the graft union is not touching soil. To deliver sound fruit, pick fruit less ripe the further the distance and the longer the time between the field and the customer.Avg.
  •  Greenhouse Performer
  •  Johnny's Exclusive
  •  Hydroponic Performer
  • Disease Resistance Codes: Tomato Mosaic Virus, Fusarium Wilt (Race 1)
  • Days To Maturity: 69 Days
Coral Springs
Heirloom Vegetable Garden
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / 1 Collection (4 Pkts./ 1 Ea. Variety)

'Marglobe' Tomato - Heavy, vigorous vines that produce high yields of large, uniform, globe-shaped fruit. All varieties first introduced by Burpee. 'Spacemaster' Cucumber - A compact cucumber that's ideal for containers or hanging baskets.
Coral Springs
Tomato, Tye-Dye Hybrid
Prices start at : 3.59 USD / 3 Plants

This breakthrough bicolor gold and red hybrid delivers all the heirloom flavor of Big Rainbow, Pineapple and Georgia Streak-with bigger yields, consistent form and better disease-resistance.
  • Height: 40-48 inches
  • Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
  • Fruit Weight: 7 ounces
  • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
  • Type: Slicer
  • Thin: 36 inches
Coral Springs
Pareso - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / Packet

Pick fruit less ripe the further the distance and the longer the time between harvest and the customer.Use crop rotation or new media to reduce soil-borne disease problems. High resistance to fusarium wilt races 1, 2, leaf mold, tomato mosaic virus, and...
  •  Good for Trellising
  •  Greenhouse Performer
  • Disease Resistance Codes: Resistant to Leaf Molds A-E, Tomato Mosaic Virus, Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt (Races 1 & 2), Nematodes
  • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Coral Springs
Tomato, Tasti-Leetm  Hybrid
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / 3 Plants

Here's your all-star tomato, the 6-9 oz. Fruits ready to rev up sandwiches, salads, sauces and salads. Loaded with health-giving lycopene-up to 40% more than other varieties. Tasti Leetm is a breakthrough because of the artful balance of sweetness and...
  • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
  • Fruit Weight: 6-9 ounces
  • Type: Slicing
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
  • Fruit Bearing: Determinate
Coral Springs
Brandywine - Organic Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 4.45 USD / Packet

Sow 1/4" deep in flats, using a soilless peat-based mix (not potting soil), 5-6 weeks before plants can be transplanted out after frost danger. Fungicides can reduce certain diseases when properly selected and applied.Fully vine-ripen fruit only for local...
  •  Heirloom
  •  Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies
  • Days To Maturity: 78 Days
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Coral Springs
Washington Cherry - Organic Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 4.45 USD / Packet

Water seedlings with a high-phosphate fertilizer solution. If possible, avoid setting out unprotected plants until night temperatures are over 45°F (7°C). Globe-shaped, 20-25 gm.
  • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Days To Maturity: 60 Days
Coral Springs
Tomato, Super Beefsteak
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (175 seeds)

Prolific, vigorous plants produce luscious red fruits averaging 17 oz. Delicious, flavorful, meaty fruits have smooth shoulders, not as rough and ridgy as Beefsteak and the blossom end scars are smaller.
  • Type: Beefsteak
  • Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
  • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
  • Thin: 36 inches
  • Spread: 36-48 inches
  • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
Coral Springs
Santorange - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 20.50 USD / Packet

Select resistant varieties. When first true leaves develop, transplant into plug trays or 3-4" pots for large, stocky 7-8 week transplants for earliest crops. Plant 3-8" inches deep, covering the root ball well and up to the cotyledons (first leaves).
  •  Good for Trellising
  •  Greenhouse Performer
  •  Hydroponic Performer
  • Hybrid Status: Hybrid (F1)
Coral Springs
Pink Bumble Bee - Organic Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 4.45 USD / Packet

Grow seedlings at 60-70°F (16-21°C). Plant 3-8" inches deep, covering the root ball well and up to the cotyledons (first leaves). 8,540 seeds/1 oz., to produce 1 acre of transplants, 18" between plants in rows 4' apart (7,260 plants needed).If anything...
  • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
  • Good for Trellising: Yes
  • Hybrid Status: Open Pollinated
Coral Springs
Bigdena - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 11.25 USD / Packet

When first true leaves just show, transplant into cell-type containers or blocks. Vigorous, open plants produce very high yields of uniform, 10-12 oz., red fruits that are mostly smooth with slight shoulder ribs.
  •  Good for Trellising
  •  Easy Choice
  •  Greenhouse Performer
  • Disease Resistance Codes: Resistant to Leaf Molds A-E, Tomato Mosaic Virus, Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Crown and Root Rot, Fusarium Wilt (Races 1 & 2), Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  • Hybrid Status: Hybrid (F1)
Coral Springs
Candyland Red Tomato
Prices start at : 3.65 USD / 10 seeds

Fertilize with Age Old Grow every 10-14 days. Sow seeds in trays 6-8 weeks before anticipated transplant date; up-pot into 3-4 inch pots when the first set of true leaves appears. Not recommended.
  • Row Spacing: 3-4'
  • Min. Germ.: 80%
  • Days to Emergence: 6-14
  • Seeds per 1/8 gram: ≈ 35-40
  • Seed Life: 3 years
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Coral Springs
Tomato, Baxter\'s Bush Cherry Organic
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (65 seeds)

Bushy, determinate habit needs no staking or cages. Vigorous and productive, yielding firm, crack resistant fruits around a week earlier than other open-pollinated cherries. A very early, red cherry tomato with remarkable weather tolerance and keeping...
  • Spread: 18 inches
  • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
  • Days To Maturity: 70-72 days
  • Height: 30-36 inches
  • Thin: 36 inches
  • Type: Container
Coral Springs
Golden Rave - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Packet

To deliver sound fruit, pick fruit less ripe the further the distance and the longer the time between the field and the customer.Avg. Keep temperature of the starting mix at 75-90°F (24-32°C); tomato seeds germinate very slowly in cooler soil.
  • Growth Habit: Indeterminate
  • Hybrid Status: Hybrid (F1)
  • Good for Trellising: Yes
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Coral Springs
Tomato, Madame Marmande Hybrid
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / 3 Plants

Hefty, broad-shouldered beefsteak, scarlet and light-ruby, ‘Madame Marmande's 10 oz. Gourmet tomato with a French accent. Fruits are loaded with rich flavor. Extraordinaire! A culinary star in France, where a favorite instant feast is a scooped-out...
  • Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
  • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
  • Height: 60-70 inches
  • Days To Maturity: 72 days
  • Type: Marmande
  • Spread: 45-60 inches
Coral Springs
Red Eclipse F1 Hybrid Tomato Seeds
Prices start at : 12.5 USD / 50-seeds

Sow early indoors in cool climates. Sow 3-5 weeks before predicted last frost. Produces good yields on vigorous plant with short internodes. Can also be used in tall cages. Transplant outside 6-8 weeks from sowing.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
Coral Springs
Delicious, Tomato Seeds
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / Packet

Grows to one pound or more! A World Record giant tomato! A huge beefsteak tomato that is large and fairly crack resistant.
  • Plant Spacing: 36"
  • Seeds Per Pound: 152000
  • Form: Seed
  • Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum
  • Dimensions: N/A
  • Tomato Leaf Type: Regular Leaf
Coral Springs
Indigo Kumquat - (F1) Tomato Seed
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / Packet

Water seedlings with a high-phosphate fertilizer solution. If possible, avoid setting out unprotected plants until night temperatures are over 45°F (7°C). Orange fruits with dark indigo-colored shoulders.
  • Hybrid Status: Hybrid (F1)
  • Days To Maturity: 75 Days
  • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Coral Springs
Marmande Tomato Seeds
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / retail-seed-packet

Produces two main crops. (6 oz.) Marmande is a productive and tasty Italian heirloom slicing tomato. Semi-Determinate Tomato Between Indeterminate and Determinate in height. Needs some support.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
Coral Springs
Grandma\'s Pick F1 Hybrid Tomato Seeds
Prices start at : 2.98 USD / retail-seed-packet

Grandma's Pick is a hybrid indeterminate open field or greenhouse heritage type tomato with strong growth and very large fruit with heavy lobes. Indeterminate Tomato Vining plants that are best when staked and trimmed.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
Coral Springs
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Store in a cool, dark spot — or paper bag — and green fruits will turn red within a week or two. Fruit that is fully ripened on the vine has a much fuller flavor than fruits that are picked early and then allowed to ripen.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Coral Springs
Aunt Ruby\'s Green (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Provide support and mulch well to conserve moisture and reduce weeds. Fruit that is fully ripened on the vine has a much fuller flavor than fruits that are picked early and then allowed to ripen.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
Coral Springs
Tomato, Tomande Hybrid
Prices start at : 5.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (50 seeds)

Fleshy, juicy and flavorful, Tomande will treat gourmet gardeners with both heirloom taste and abundant hybrid yields. Tomato connoisseurs rave about the flavor of these broad-shouldered beauties.
  • Height: 36-40 inches
  • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Fruit Weight: 6 ounces
  • Spread: 18 inches
Coral Springs