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Vegetables Seeds For Sale In San Antonio

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Sweet Corn Luscious F1
Prices start at : 7.60 USD / Seed/1,000 Seeds

The ears have 16 to 18 rows of yellow and white kernels that fill the tip well, even under stressful growing conditions. The husk package is attractive and offers good cover and ample flags.
  • Maturation days: 75 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
San Antonio
Tomato Sweet Hearts F1
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / Seed/P. Allen Smith PKT – 10 Seeds

Sweet Hearts is sweet and has excellent shelf-life. Resistant to cracking, TMV and Fusarium wilt (race 1). Sweet Hearts is a grape tomato that produces big yields of fruit that have a brilliant red color, an excellent uniform shape and a superb flavor.
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 70 days
  • Germination days: 6 - 14 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
San Antonio
Sweet Corn Northern Xtra-Sweet F1
Prices start at : 6.70 USD / Seed/Packet

Good seedling vigor and 60" sturdy plants produce good yields of early, high quality sweet corn. Isolation required. This first early supersweet yellow is a good choice for markets requiring early season Xtra-Sweet eating quality.
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
San Antonio
Pumpkin New Moon F1
Prices start at : 29.85 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

As with other white varieties, early harvesting is recommended to preserve their bright white color. Full, vigorous vines produce good yields of uniformly sized and shaped bright white colored fruit.
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Maturation days: 110 days
San Antonio
Yolo Wonder Pepper
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Named after Yolo County in California where the Campbell Soup Company introduced this bell pepper in 1952. It quickly became popular among growers because of its improved resistance to tobacco mosaic virus and because its extra bushy foliage helps protect...
  • Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum 'Yolo Wonder'
San Antonio
Leek Striker F1
Prices start at : 2.30 USD / Seed/Packet

86 days from transplant. This very productive variety produces long heavy shanks that are very easy to clean. Plants offer excellent uniformity along with the benefit of Intermediate Resistance to White Tip of Leek, Rust and Thrips.
  • Maturation days: 86 days
  • Germination days: 7 - 12 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
San Antonio
Lettuce Multired 4 MTO
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / Seed/2,000 Seeds

Offers medium volume for bagged lettuce sales. Dark red leaves with vibrant green centers are shiny and smooth with a lobed shape. This Multileaf lettuce variety can be grown from spring through fall and their compact plants handle higher density plantings.
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Maturation days: 30-60 days
  • Soil temperature: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
San Antonio
Great Lobelia
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Showy U.S. native with large blue or white flower spikes. Employed by Indians along with mayapple ( ) to treat venereal disease.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Botanical Name: Lobelia siphilitica
San Antonio
Cilantro Santo
Prices start at : 3.30 USD / Seed/Packet

A fast growing, yet remarkably slow bolting strain of cilantro, the broad, celery-like leaves are deep green and have notched margins. Stems are strong for bunching and flavor is pungent for Mexican and Asian cooking.
  • Germination days: 7 - 10 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
San Antonio
Squash Summer Ball F1
Prices start at : 3.70 USD / Seed/Packet

Summer Ball squash is a beautiful little golden yellow summer squash that make a striking display at roadside markets and farmers' markets when paired with Eight Ball. Compact bush plants produce good yields of round zucchini squash.
  • Maturation days: 45 days
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
San Antonio
Squash Sunburst F1
Prices start at : 4.10 USD / Seed/Packet

Good yields are produced on bush type plants. The fruit has a delicate buttery flavor. The first yellow scalloped squash to be developed, Sunburst is early, productive, and a winner of the All America Selections award.
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Maturation days: 50 days
San Antonio
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / Seeds / pkt

Do not disturb roots when transplanting. Important in commercial baking as roasted seeds add nutty flavour to breads and buns. Excellent addition to green salads, and very palatable with butter.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Duration: Annual
  • Botanical Name: Sesamum indicum
San Antonio
Rosemary Santolina
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Chamaecyparissus, it is particularly effective in knot gardens when clipped as low hedges. Likes to be pruned; perfect plant to shape into your own masterpiece! Aromatic sprigs are placed among clothing to repel moths.
  • Botanical Name: Santolina rosmarinifolia
  • Duration: Perennial
  • When to Sow: Anytime
San Antonio
Bean Ambra
Prices start at : 9.25 USD / Seed/1,000 Seeds

Patent 6911586. Consistent, high yielder. Ambra beans are a prolific yielder that develop straight, smooth, medium dark green 6" pods. The earliness means you'll get to the market at prime time, and the upright plant structure makes for an excellent mechanical...
  • Germination days: 6 - 10 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
San Antonio
Cabbage Blue Lagoon F1
Prices start at : 3.30 USD / Seed/Packet

Resistant to fusarium yellows. Cabbage heads are produced on low growing, compact plants. Blue Lagoon is a beautiful early cabbage. This Harris Moran introduction produces globe-shaped heads that have an attractive blue green color, adequate wrapper,...
  • Germination days: 4 - 10 days
  • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 68 days
San Antonio
Pumpkin Prizewinner F1
Prices start at : 8.50 USD / Seed/Packet

With a fairly uniform shape for a big pumpkin and a consistent, bright red-orange color, Prizewinner is an excellent contest pumpkin. Its typical pumpkin shape with shallow ribs makes it a good fit for roadside displays, too.
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Maturation days: 120 days
San Antonio
Pumpkin Lumina
Prices start at : 5.25 USD / Seed/Packet

To early Sept.), as stress causes a blue tinge on the white skin. Harvest Lumina early (late Aug. This unique pumpkin add interest to your roadside stand or wholesale offering. The fruit average 10 to 15 lbs., vary in size, and offer globe to flattened...
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
San Antonio
Tiaga Russian Sage
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Ht. 40-50cm (16-20in). Start seeds early: it takes 3-4 months to get garden-sized plants. Excellent for dried arrangements and potpourris. Beautiful deep sky-blue flower spikes are nicely set against silvery green foliage.
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
  • Duration: Perennial
San Antonio
Lettuce Oso Verde MTO
Prices start at : 2.15 USD / Seed/Packet

The puckered lettuce leaves have frilled leaf margins and a shiny, rich looking appearance. Oso Verde makes excellent weight and has excellent uniformity. Oso Verde is a beautiful green leaf lettuce that has excellent heat tolerance.
  • Soil temperature: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 1.25 inches
  • Maturation days: 54 days
San Antonio
Mustard Mizuna
Prices start at : 3.55 USD / Seed/1 Ounce

Mizuna's mild mustard flavor makes it a staple item for salad mix or bunching. Deeply serrated medium-dark green leaves are held on long, white, slim stalks. Slow bolting and cold tolerant, Mizuna is vigorous and prolific for extended spring and fall...
  • Germination days: 6 - 10 days
  • Maturation days: 40 days
  • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
San Antonio
Cucumber Diva F1
Prices start at : 4.05 USD / Seed/Packet

This is an All America Selections winner! Diva has a crisp flesh that is both non-bitter and delicious. The slender, tapered fruit have tender skin that is smooth, glossy and bright green.
  • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 6 - 10 days
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
San Antonio
Tomato Rootstock RST-04-105-T F1
Prices start at : 30.85 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

For rootstock use only. Intermediate resistance to Southern Blight. Resistance to TMV, Corky Root, FW (1, 2), V, Root-knot Nematode and Bacterial wilt. Grafting has emerged as a good way to bring resistance to soil borne diseases, to susceptible varieties...
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
San Antonio
Dragon\'s Tongue Arugula
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

(Wild arugula) A beautiful wild arugula with deeply lobed leaves and purple-red veins. The fresh leaves add a delicious bitterness to salads, sandwiches, pizza, and pasta.
  • Botanical Name: Diplotaxis tenuifolia 'Dragon's Tongue'
San Antonio
De Arbol Chile Pepper
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / Seeds / pkt

Cayenne type, 5-7cm/2-3” long, 5-7mm across. Use powdered for sauces, soups, stews. Heat: 15,000-30,000 Scoville units.
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Duration: Annual
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
San Antonio
Peione Parsley
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Yields are heavy! Excellent for both home gardens and for the fresh-cut and processing markets. It also has shown to have some resistance to downy mildew. A new improved form of Gigante d'Italia, the old favourite of Italy.
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum
  • Duration: Biennial
San Antonio
Pumpkin Early Abundance F1
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

Early Abundance pumpkin also offers intermediate resistance to powdery mildew. If you grow in an area with a short growing season or need a small pumpkin variety to make up some planting time late in the season, then Early Abundance is the variety to...
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Maturation days: 90 days
San Antonio
Napoletano Basil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Standard lettuce-leaf type grown in Italy. Large ribbed leaves, strong flavour.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Napoletano'
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic/Industrial
San Antonio