Store in a cool, dark spot — or paper bag — and green fruits will turn red within a week or two. However, if temperatures drop, you'll want to bring all fruits (green or not) indoors.
Store in a cool, dark spot — or paper bag — and green fruits will turn red within a week or two. However, if temperatures drop, you'll want to bring all fruits (green or not) indoors.
Wear gloves and long sleeves for protection from spines. Harvest daily with a sharp knife during hot weather — pods taste best when young and grow quickly past the stage of prime eating.
For bush types, space rows two feet apart; space climbing varieties in rows three feet apart or in double rows 6-8 inches apart with a trellis, fence, etc. Very sweet, very easy to grow.
Check often, as they can turn from tasty to terrible in a short period of time. Pull roots when they are of usable size — usually one inch in diameter — and relatively young. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool-weather crop can be planted early,...
Look for firm, sizable pods and pinch off with your thumbnail and fingers. Pick often to keep plants productive; when harvesting immature pods you encourage new blooms to form. Sow 1 inch deep and 2-4 inches apart in rows 18-24 inches apart.
In fact, we recommend that you do not harvest until after at least one hard frost. This Russian variety is top quality! Dwarf Siberian Kale ( Brassica oleracea ) yields nutritious dark green leaves that are lightly crumpled.
Soaking 1-2 hours prior to planting will speed germination. This rare heirloom has been identified as the same variety collected by Lewis and Clark in the early 1800s. (80-85 days) Each packet contains approximately 40-60 seeds.
Depending on variety, transplants should be ready to harvest in 6-8 weeks. Easy to grow and delicious to eat, it's a tasty addition to soups, salads and slaws. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Start indoors and transplant into the garden when two sets of...
In short-season climates, start indoors one week before the last frost date. An all time favorite! Eden's Gem Melon ( Cucumis melo ) yields small, 2- to 3-pound fruits with a scrumptious, almost spicy flavor.
Continue harvest until plants bolt in late summer. Harvest outer leaves one inch above the ground as plants mature (5-8 inches tall), new leaves will form in the center of the plant.
Look for firm, sizable pods and pinch off with your thumbnail and fingers. Pick often to keep plants productive; when harvesting immature pods you encourage new blooms to form. Sow 1 inch deep and 2-4 inches apart in rows 18-24 inches apart.
Plants are shallow rooted and require fertile well-drained soil and constant surface moisture to thrive. Medium to large sized fruits are sweet and mild — great cooked or fresh! (100 days from transplant) Learn How to Grow Onions here.
Plant 1/4 inch deep, allowing one foot spacing between plants and two feet between rows. This bright green variety is gargantuan! The bulb on the Superschmelz or Giant White Kohlrabi grows up to 10 in.
Sow directly into prepared beds 2-4 weeks before the last expected frost. Bronze-red leaves are attractive in the garden and cold tolerant. Learn about Growing Lettuce here. A crisp and tasty French heirloom! Rouge d'Hiver Lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) is...
Supply plenty of moisture and keep plants mulched to prevent soil from drying out between waterings. Good for slicing, salads and pickling! Edmonson Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) yields blocky, whitish green fruits — 4 inches long — that are crisp...
Allow approximately 15 inches between plants and 24 inches between rows. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Start indoors and transplant into the garden when two sets of true leaves develop.
Supply plenty of moisture and keep plants mulched to prevent soil from drying out between waterings. Huge fruits grow several pounds! The Sikkim Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) ripens to a reddish-brown color and is sure to stand out in the garden.
They can be trellised if space is limited. Wait for warm days and soil temperatures above 60˚F before planting outside. Fruits can be difficult to spot among the vines and foliage.
Sow directly into prepared beds 2-4 weeks before the last expected frost. Productive and heat tolerant, its dark green, triangular shaped leaves have a pleasant, nutty flavor. A favorite well into summer! Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce ( Latuca sativa ) has...
Store in a cool, dark spot — or paper bag — and green fruits will turn red within a week or two. However, if temperatures drop, you'll want to bring all fruits (green or not) indoors.
To harvest large fruits, remove most of the side shoots and select two or three fruits to develop on one plant. This French heirloom is a winner! Casper Eggplant ( Solanum melongena ) produces beautiful, 5- to 6-inch long, ghost-white fruits on compact...
Store in a cool, dark spot — or paper bag — and green fruits will turn red within a week or two. However, if temperatures drop, you'll want to bring all fruits (green or not) indoors.
Wear gloves and long sleeves for protection from spines. Harvest daily with a sharp knife during hot weather — pods taste best when young and grow quickly past the stage of prime eating.
Sow directly into prepared beds 2-4 weeks before the last expected frost. Iceberg lettuce is the perfect choice when you need a big, fresh crunch. Develops compact heads, prefers cool weather and matures in about 85 days.
Plants prefer full sun and fertile soil with lots of organic matter. Transplant outside after the soil has warmed. Cut fruits from the plants with one inch of stem attached. Harvest while fruit is young and shiny for best flavor.
Depending on variety, transplants should be ready to harvest in 6-8 weeks. Here's a safe, solid choice that's been grown since 1889! The Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage develops sturdy 8-in.