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Vegetables Organic Gardening For Sale In Nebraska

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Tam Dew
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

In addition, look for the underside — where the fruit rests on the ground — to turn from a greenish white to tan or yellow. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plant melons in a warm spot that gets plenty of sun.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Waltham Butternut (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Use a sharp pruning knife to cut the fruit, and at least 2-3 inches of the stem, from the vine. Highly regarded for dependable production, exceptional storage, and wonderful taste.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Early Scarlet Globe
Prices start at : 2 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: Radishes, a cool-weather crop, can be planted early, as soon as the soil can be worked in spring and weeks before the last frost. Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Sugar Snap
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Sugar Snap Peas ( Pisum sativum ) will take abuse from wind and eager kids and keep producing super sweet pods that you'll eat straight off the vine. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Golden Wax
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Here are our best tips for Growing Beans , too! Each packet contains approximately 40-60 seeds. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plant directly into rich, fast draining soil in spring after the soil has warmed.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Yellow of Parma
Prices start at : 2 USD

Watering prior to harvest makes pulling easier. (110 days from transplant) Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds. Keep trays at room temperature and do not allow to dry out.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Dixie Speckled Butterpea
Prices start at : 1.75 USD

(76 days) Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plant directly into rich, fast draining soil in spring after the soil has warmed. Look for firm, sizable pods and pinch off with your thumbnail and fingers.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

However, if temperatures drop, you'll want to bring all fruits (green or not) indoors. Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds. Nope! The Pineapple Tomato defies the usual definitions with its red-yellow fruits that weigh in at 1-2 pounds each! A...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
McCaslan Pole
Prices start at : 1.25 USD

Sow 1 inch deep and 2-4 inches apart in rows 18-24 inches apart. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plant directly into rich, fast draining soil in spring after the soil has warmed. Look for firm, sizable pods and pinch off with your thumbnail and fingers.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Black Seeded Simpson
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

This heirloom is very popular with our local customers. Here are our best tips for Growing Lettuce , too! Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Once plants bolt (flower), the harvestable leaves will become bitter.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Early Purple
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Purple Sprouting Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea ) grows slowly over the winter months and produces ample amounts of lavender colored sprouts in the spring. Start indoors 4-6 weeks prior to desired transplanting date.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Continue harvesting over several months, or until plants begin to lose flavor. This American standard is also excellent on burgers. Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Iceberg lettuce is the perfect choice when you need a big, fresh crunch.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Red of Florence
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Watering prior to harvest makes pulling easier. (100 days from transplant) Each packet contains approximately 300 seeds. Keep trays at room temperature and do not allow to dry out.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Sutton\'s Harbinger (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

You'll start harvesting Sutton's Harbinger Pea early (52-60 days) and have plenty to pick. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Tequila Sunrise (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Most varieties can be eaten when green or under-ripe, however, the flavor improves as plants mature. Always cut — do NOT pull — fruits from plants. Allow 1-1/2 feet between plants in all directions; provide support for varieties that grow over one...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Emerald Gem (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

(70-90 days) CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Sow in place two weeks after the last frost and space 2-4 feet apart in rows 5-10 feet apart. Cut from vines with at least one inch of stem attached.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Bull\'s Blood (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: This hardy vegetable prefers cooler climates and grows best in well drained, loose soil. Select a site with plenty of sun and dig down at least 10 inches to promote good root development.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
National 2
Prices start at : 1.25 USD

The National 2 Radish produces red-skinned roots with white flesh and pops up early, ready for snacking! Here are our best tips on How to Grow Radishes , too! Each packet contains approximately 200-500 seeds.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Bullnose (Baker Creek)
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Always cut — do NOT pull — fruits from plants. Each packet contains approximately 10 seeds. Peppers grow best when temperatures are warm and need substantial heat to set fruit.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Scarlet Runner
Prices start at : 2 USD

Pick often to keep plants productive; when harvesting immature pods you encourage new blooms to form. (68 days) Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds. Large plants grow 12-15 feet tall and are attractive to hummingbirds.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Waltham 29
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

After harvesting the main flower head, side shoots will develop with smaller heads. Cut just below the point where the stems begin to separate. Space 15-18 inches apart, allowing at least 2 feet between rows.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Green Oak Leaf (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Continue harvesting over several months, or until plants begin to lose flavor. (50 days) CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Holds up well — even in late summer! Looseleaf.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Each packet contains approximately 75 seeds. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun. Harvest daily to keep plants productive.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Honey Rock
Prices start at : 1.15 USD

Thick, firm deep-salmon flesh and only 80 days to maturity. Sow in place two weeks after the last frost and space 2-4 feet apart in rows 5-10 feet apart. Cut from vines with at least one inch of stem attached.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Purple of Sicily
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Cut through the stalk beneath the head with a sharp knife making sure to leave several of the leaves for protection. (60-85 days) Learn How to Grow Cauliflower here. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop requires full sun, rich soil and...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Bloomsdale (Baker Creek)
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Continue harvesting over several months, or until plants begin to lose flavor. Here are our best tips for Growing Spinach , too! Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds. Sow directly into the ground, 1/4 inch deep in early spring or late fall.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Emerald Giant
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Here are our best tips for Growing Peppers , too! Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds. Always cut — do NOT pull — fruits from plants. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Crops require full sun, fast draining soil and regular water.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States