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Vegetables Organic Gardening For Sale In Montana

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Country Gentleman
Prices start at : 1.9 USD

Pick fresh and boil quickly for a taste treat that's out of this world! (90 days) Learn about Growing Corn here. Harvest ears three weeks after tassels appear. Plump and juicy, this “shoe-peg” type has wonderful flavor.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Bloomsdale (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Sow directly into the ground, 1/4 inch deep in early spring or late fall. Mulching with compost will help deter weeds and prevent moisture loss. Planting and Harvesting Tips: One of the hardiest crops in the vegetable garden.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Cayenne (Baker Creek)
Prices start at : 1.45 USD

Always cut — do NOT pull — fruits from plants. Peppers grow best when temperatures are warm and need substantial heat to set fruit. Most varieties can be eaten when green or under-ripe, however, the flavor improves as plants mature.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Delicious 51
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Here's a slice of goodness for growers with short seasons. Sow in place two weeks after the last frost and space 2-4 feet apart in rows 5-10 feet apart. Fruits are ready to pick when stems turn from green to brown and begin to dry.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Emerald Gem (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Make sure that the area is protected from strong winds and cool temperatures. Fruits are ready to pick when stems turn from green to brown and begin to dry. In addition, look for the underside — where the fruit rests on the ground — to turn from a...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Bull\'s Blood (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Do not allow to grow larger than 3 inches or they will be tough and woody. Harvest greens before they reach 6 inches for best flavor — perfect for salads! Grow as microgreens! (35 days for leaf tops, 55 days for roots) Here are our best tips on How...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Superschmelz/ Giant White
Prices start at : 1.75 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: A fast growing cool weather crop that thrives in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Harvest stems when they are young and tender, usually 2-3 inches in diameter.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Amish Snap (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun. For bush types, space rows two feet apart; space climbing varieties in rows three feet apart or in double rows 6-8 inches apart with a trellis, fence,...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Dwarf Gray
Prices start at : 2 USD

The plants are small (24 to 30 in.), but the pods are generous (3-4 in. Planting and Harvesting Tips: This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun. Allow three feet between each double row.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Early Silverline
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Sow in place two weeks after the last frost and space 2-4 feet apart in rows 5-10 feet apart. In short-season climates, start indoors one week before the last frost date. Make sure that the area is protected from strong winds and cool temperatures.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Early Jersey Wakefield
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Here are our best tips on Growing Cabbage , too! Each packet contains approximately 300 seeds. Cut the stalk at the base of the head and compost the outer leaves. First sold commercially by Peter Henderson in the late 1860s, this variety is ready for...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Quadrato d\'Asti Giallo
Prices start at : 2 USD

Peppers grow best when temperatures are warm and need substantial heat to set fruit. Allow 1-1/2 feet between plants in all directions; provide support for varieties that grow over one foot tall.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
China Rose
Prices start at : 2 USD

Pull roots when they are of usable size — usually one inch in diameter — and relatively young. Check often, as they can turn from tasty to terrible in a short period of time. The China Rose Radish is a perfect bite of freshness in the fall crop when...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Thompson Prolific
Prices start at : 1.9 USD

Look for brown silks, dark green husks and plump kernels that squirt “milky” liquid when pinched; clear juice is immature. Prepare and cook shortly after picking — flavor is lost quickly!
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Red Wethersfield (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Keep trays at room temperature and do not allow to dry out. Plants are shallow rooted and require fertile well-drained soil and constant surface moisture to thrive. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Start indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost date of...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Black Krim (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: Start indoors and transplant to the garden after the last frost date. Provide support and mulch well to conserve moisture and reduce weeds. Certified organic! Here are our best tips for Growing Tomatoes , too! Each packet...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Kabouli Black
Prices start at : 1.9 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plant directly into rich, fast draining soil in spring after the soil has warmed. Soaking 1-2 hours prior to planting will speed germination. Here are our best tips on How to Grow Beans , too! Each packet contains approximately...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Miniature White
Prices start at : 1.45 USD

Wait for warm days and soil temperatures above 60˚F before planting outside. Pick fruits when they are about 4-8 inches long. Harvest often so that they don't become woody and tough.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

However, if temperatures drop, you'll want to bring all fruits (green or not) indoors. Store in a cool, dark spot — or paper bag — and green fruits will turn red within a week or two.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Asparagus, Precoce D\'Argenteuil
Prices start at : 1.75 USD

Beds should receive as much sun as possible and contain sandy, fast draining soil. Space 12-18 inches apart in rows 3-6 feet apart. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Start indoors and transplant seedlings into prepared “nursery beds” after all danger...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Napoleon (Organic)
Prices start at : 2 USD

Peppers grow best when temperatures are warm and need substantial heat to set fruit. Allow 1-1/2 feet between plants in all directions; provide support for varieties that grow over one foot tall.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Ghost (Bhut Jolokia)
Prices start at : 1.9 USD

Here are our best tips on How to Grow Peppers , too! Each packet contains approximately 10 seeds. Harvest fruits early and often — the more you pick the more they will produce. The Ghost (Bhut Jolokia) Peppers measure an unbelievable 1 MILLION Scoville...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Prices start at : 1.75 USD

A spring standby for pies, preserves and sauces! Victorian Rhubarb is very popular in northern climates for a hit of sweetness after long winters. Seedlings can go out into the garden 2 weeks before last frost; plants should be about 4-in.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Musquee De Provence
Prices start at : 2 USD

Fruits weigh up to 20 pounds, develop in 120 days, and would prefer not to be left out in cold weather. Continue to provide plenty of water during the growing season. The Musquee de Provence Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) has a cheese wheel shape in a...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
United States
Omar\'s Lebanese
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Planting and Harvesting Tips: Start indoors and transplant to the garden after the last frost date. Provide support and mulch well to conserve moisture and reduce weeds. Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Afghan Honeydew
Prices start at : 1.9 USD

Sow in place two weeks after the last frost and space 2-4 feet apart in rows 5-10 feet apart. In short-season climates, start indoors one week before the last frost date. Make sure that the area is protected from strong winds and cool temperatures.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States
Mustard, Giant Red
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Space plants 6 to 12 inches apart in rows 18 to 24 inches apart. Continue harvesting until plants begin to lose flavor. Sow no deeper than 1/4 inch in rich, well-drained soil. Note: These Asian greens are more tolerant to heat and cold than pak choy,...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
United States