Test-pop a few kernels periodically to determine when the kernels are dry enough to twist from the cobs, store in airtight containers. The shrunken gene (sh2) gives the dried kernels an extra-wrinkled appearance.
Early Sunglow is a great choice for areas with short growing seasons and cool springs. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and wide adaptability. Garden-fresh sweet corn is one of summer's greatest pleasure.
Each packet guarantees 100 ears! Last summer's blockbuster yields stunning, larger-than-life ears, 12" long, 6" round—up to 100% larger than other varieties. ‘Jaws' is an SH2 and the key to success with this hybrid is to double-sow.
This variety has a crunchy, sweet flavor that bursts from these plump ears! One of an entirely new type of corn called TripleSweet, Serendipity combines the crunchy texture of sugar enhanced types with the extra sweetness and holding ability of the supersweets!...
2,000 seeds/lb. Fiesta Flint F1 Hybrid is a unique Indian corn that has various tones of blue, red, yellow and white. This is earlier than other Flint corn and averages 7 to 10” ears with 50% to 70% purple husks.
Record the date on which about half the plants show silk. Superior cool-soil vigor and seed viability compared to other super sweets. Widely-adapted variety with excellent eating quality and husk protection.
Disease Resistance Codes: Common Rust, Northern Corn Leaf Blight
Silver King is a Sugar Enhanced corn type that is amongst the earliest corns to mature. Early than Silver Queen and every bit as tasty. With slightly larger ears than of 16 to 18 tightly packed rows of snowy white kernels pack every ear of this succulent...
Once plants are 4" tall thin to 8-12" depending on use. Perfect for fall decorating. Appealing mix of red, gold, black, and burgundy with every shade in-between. Plants will yield 5-10 stems each.
(Does not produce ears of traditional corn.) The cut and dried mature straw can be used for a variety of crafts and dried arrangements, as well as brooms. Birds will love the seeds, too.
Good eating quality. It matures early for a quality bicolor and its flavor is sweet. Its has great tasting yellow and white kernels. A delicious gourmet bicolor sweet corn. One of the sweetest and most tender corns ever developed.
Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.If anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase price.
Latin Name: Zea mays
Disease Resistance Codes: Common Rust, Stewart's Wilt
Also known as squirrel tooth, Tom Thumb Popcorn ( Zea mays ) is a popular open pollinated variety developed at the University of New Hampshire. Learn How to Grow Corn here. Each packet contains approximately 50 seeds.
Seeds are not treated. No other early yellow corn combines a large 9" ear and great cool-soil vigor with Sh2 sweetness. A packet contains 200 seeds, enough to plant four 15 ft. Plant corn in blocks at least four rows wide for cross-pollination and well-filled...
150 seeds/oz.; 10 lbs./acre; 70°F-75°F soil temperatures at planting. The 6′ tall plants are sturdy and vigorous. The ears are 8″ long and have 16 rows of succulent kernels. Sweetness is a scrumptious corn that will be the star of any backyard barbeque!...
Excellent foliage for early fodder. High yields with good soil fertilization. Stalks are 8-9′ tall and ears are 8-10″ and have 14-18 rows. Stays fresh for a long time. A heirloom white dent field corn that is excellent for roasting or frying or used...
Average yield of 3+ ears per stalk. For heaviest yield, harvest early and keep on picking as new ears form. Plants will grow 4 1/2 to 5 feet, but baby ears ready to pick when plants are only 18 inches tall.
150 seeds/oz.; 10 lbs./acre; 70°F-75°F soil temperatures at planting. 4-4 1/2′ tall. Easy to grow, vigorous and tolerant of cooler soils. Early Sunglow produces sweet, buttery, sunny-yellow kernels on 7-8” ears weeks before the rest.
Excellent foliage for early fodder. High yields with good soil fertilization. Stalks are 8-9′ tall and ears are 8-10″ and have 14-18 rows. Stays fresh for a long time. A heirloom yellow dent field corn that is excellent for roasting or frying or used...
Honey Select corn is a yellow Triplesweet that will produce large ears with medium-green husks and good flags. Honey Select produces a very high quality ear that can average 8.5″ in length with 18-20.
20,000-24,000 seeds/lb. These seeds form heads at the top of the plant (instead of a tassel) length 24-36”. Colors include gold, red-bronze, brown, black, burgundy, white/cream and natural.
Colorful plants grow up to 6-feet tall! Japonica Corn ( Zea mays ) is a beautiful ornamental variety from Japan. Certified organic, and ready for harvest in 85 days. Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds.
The fresh flavor is amazing! Smoke Signals Popcorn ( Zea mays ) is an ornamental heirloom that grows up to 8-feet tall. Planting and Harvesting Tips: Plant this warm-season vegetable directly into the soil two weeks after your average last-frost date.
Early Golden Bantam Corn has a great sweet flavor that is a fast maturer. Old time favorite for the home garden. Early Golden Bantam Corn is an old time favorite selected for its tenderness.
The husk package is medium green with moderate flags and covers the tip well. We're sure your customers love this one. This is one of our favorite corns to grow for market! Providence is a TripleSweet bicolor sweet corn with excellent eating quality that...
Tolerates cold weather conditions better than most. Beautiful, uniform, well-filled ear. Bodacious is great for fresh eating, freezing and canning. High quality yellow sweet corn that has large, mouth-watering kernels.
Excellent eating quality and tip cover. Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Please see the Sweet Corn Comparison Chart for minimum soil temperature at planting for individual varieties.