Corn is wind pollinated, for proper pollination plant individual varieties in blocks of at least 4 rows. Isolation is necessary between varieties to preserve color combinations. Waiting for soil to reach optimum temperature is critical to successful corn...
After harvest, the conversion from sugar to starch in SE/se corn is delayed, so the corn maintains its sweetness longer after picking. Blight, rust, smut. Corn performs best in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0-7.0. Corn is a heavy feeder...
Offers 10% purple husk with beautiful kernel colors. A perfect corn for holiday decorations. Large, beautiful ears. The standard “Indian corn”. A great ornamental corn that offers awesome color.
The SE gene (sugary enhancer) means these varieties will stay sweet and tender for 10-14 days after reaching maturity. Plants grow to 7 ft. Ready to harvest in just 75 days, Silver Choice is two weeks earlier and 20% sweeter than Silver Queen! Tender...
If you want sweet, yellow tender corn with gold holding ability after harvesting then this corn is for you! One of the most tender and delicious yellow corn you can grow. Passion is a delicious and easy to grow corn.
To control raccoons, an electric fence with 3 strands placed at 3–4" normally provides adequate control.Normally dry corn is left out for several frosts, but the ears may be picked after the husks begin drying.
Make row furrows about 6-8 inches deep. They do not germinate well in cold wet soil, so make sure your soil is at least 70°F; use a soil thermometer if uncertain. For starters, the kernel walls are the most tender of all corn varieties.
Sow 3/4-1" deep, 6-7" apart (or 2 seeds every 9", thinning to 1 plant), rows 30-36" apart. If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination between super sweet varieties and non-super sweet varieties using any...
This inherited characteristic increases the sweetness of the corn at harvest time. Waiting for soil to reach optimum temperature is critical to successful corn growing. IR indicates intermediate resistance.
Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of super sweet varieties with non-super sweet varieties...
People ask for it by name. Long flags and dark green husks. Silver Queen Hybrid is the most popular white corn in the industry. No roadside stand should be without it. Good disease resistance.
Each plant is uniquely colored. 85 days after planting, purple tassels appear followed by burgundy ears of corn. 3,000 seeds/lb. (4-6′) Japonica Striped Maize is a beauty that has deep purple, almost black popcorn kernels.
‘Jaws' is an SH2 and the key to success with this hybrid is to double-sow. Two seeds per hole must be planted 2" deep in soil 70 degrees or warmer for best germination. Each packet guarantees 100 ears!
An early maturing corn that is very sweet. One of the sweetest of the SE genotype. Hard to beat this old-time favorite with excellent taste. A customer favorite.
Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of super sweet varieties with non-super sweet varieties...
This variety has a crunchy, sweet flavor that bursts from these plump ears! One of an entirely new type of corn called TripleSweet, Serendipity combines the crunchy texture of sugar enhanced types with the extra sweetness and holding ability of the supersweets!...
Delay sowing fungicide-treated seeds until soil temperature is at least 55-60°F/13-16°C. Ears have good tip fill and husk cover, snap easily from the stalk, and have a long shelf life.
Hybrid Status: Hybrid (F1)
Disease Resistance Codes: Common Rust, Stewart's Wilt
These seeds form heads at the top of the plant (instead of a tassel) length 24-36”. Colors include gold, red-bronze, brown, black, burgundy, white/cream and natural. 20,000-24,000 seeds/lb.
Hickory King corn produces plants that are 12′ tall. Each stalk produces 2 very large ears that are great for roasting! Hickory king has a very high leafy green matter which makes it perfect for silage.
This variety can be used for popcorn or for decoration. Miniature Blue popcorn features small, medium-blue colored ears average 2-4” in length. 5,900 seeds/lb.
Early Golden Bantam Corn has a great sweet flavor that is a fast maturer. Early Golden Bantam Corn is an old time favorite selected for its tenderness. Ideal for freezing and fresh “corn on the cob” eating.
Requires warm (65°F/18°C) soil to germinate properly. Make first sowings of UNTREATED seeds when soil is warm, at least 65°F (18°C). Corn is ready to eat 18-24 days after ear silks first show; the warmer the weather, the sooner you can pick it.Varies...
After harvest, the conversion from sugar to starch in SE/se corn is delayed, so the corn maintains its sweetness longer after picking. Blight, rust, smut. Corn performs best in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0-7.0. Corn is a heavy feeder...
High tolerance to SW and NCLB. 150 seeds/oz.; 10 lbs./acre; 70°F-75°F soil temperatures at planting. Ambrosia is a homozygous, sugary enhancer (SE) with great eating quality and early vigor.
The colorful fan-shaped seed heads come in a mix of gold, red, bronze and purple. (Does not produce ears of traditional corn.) The cut and dried mature straw can be used for a variety of crafts and dried arrangements, as well as brooms.