Otherwise wait until soil temperature is at least 60°F (16°C). Make first sowings of UNTREATED seeds when soil is warm, at least 65°F (18°C). Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of...
Otherwise wait until soil temperature is at least 60°F (16°C). Make first sowings of UNTREATED seeds when soil is warm, at least 65°F (18°C). Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of...
In rows 36" apart. The best approach to borer control is prompt plowing in or removal and composting of cornstalks after harvest. Space seeds 4-5" apart for denser stands and smaller ears.
Sugar enhanced (SE) bi-color sweet corn with excellent flavor. Ambrosia, F1 hybrid, is a plump and juicy corn variety. Named for its delectable taste, Ambrosia has a mix of white and yellow kernels! The 8″ long ears are bursting with about 16 rows of...
They do not germinate well in cold wet soil, so make sure your soil is at least 70°F; use a soil thermometer if uncertain. To grow great Supersweet corn, isolate it by time or distance from any other corn.
A popular favorite. Tall and has 8 1/2" long ears. The pretty bicolor kernels are borne in 18-20 rows. It matures early in the season, grows to 6 ft. Peaches & Cream actually gives two different sweet flavors in every bite.
The stalks are only 5 ft. This variety made yellow sweet corn popular. It was created by a skilled gardener in Greenfield, Massachusetts who loved to have the earliest corn in town.
Exceptional quality. Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. Replaces Xtra-Tender 2171.
Successive plantings can be made through early summer; most growers prefer to extend the sweet corn season by planting a few varieties of different maturities.Consult your local Extension office for Integrated Pest Management information.
Miniature Blue popcorn features small, medium-blue colored ears average 2-4” in length. This variety can be used for popcorn or for decoration. 5,900 seeds/lb.
Ruby Queen is an amazing new sweet corn with an amazing corn color-it's really red! You won't believe how appetizing a red corn can be until you see it on your plate, then bite into the extra-sweet, tender kernels.
Otherwise wait until soil temperature is at least 60°F (16°C). Make first sowings of UNTREATED seeds when soil is warm, at least 65°F (18°C). Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of...
Cherokee White Eagle Corn is favored by gardeners for its abundant ears that grow 8-10 in. Crops require full sun, ample water and deep rich organic soil to perform well. Prepare and cook shortly after picking — flavor is lost quickly!
Fiesta Flint F1 Hybrid is a unique Indian corn that has various tones of blue, red, yellow and white. This is earlier than other Flint corn and averages 7 to 10” ears with 50% to 70% purple husks.
This variety has a crunchy, sweet flavor that bursts from these plump ears! One of an entirely new type of corn called TripleSweet, Serendipity combines the crunchy texture of sugar enhanced types with the extra sweetness and holding ability of the supersweets!...
Early than Silver Queen and every bit as tasty. Silver King is a Sugar Enhanced corn type that is amongst the earliest corns to mature. With slightly larger ears than of 16 to 18 tightly packed rows of snowy white kernels pack every ear of this succulent...
Trinity is a homozygous, sugary enhancer bicolor with a clean, compact plant, refined ear, and good husk protection. Resistant to R, SW and NCLB. Also great for home gardens, roadside stands, and the fresh market.
Corn borer, corn ear worm. Ears may be picked after the husks begin drying. To grow great Supersweet corn, isolate it by time or distance from any other corn. IR indicates intermediate resistance.
One of the great tasting corns on the market. Stalks reach 6 feet tall, and the 9 inch ears have deep, tender yellow kernels. Pick it right off the stalk and cook for dinner. Jubilee is one of the most popular varieties we sell and is excellent for late...
Sweet, early and delicious. This toothsome bicolor sweet corn jumps out of the ground a full week or more before other varieties! For cooler climes and high altitudes, King Kool's seedlings handily survive mild frost, each stalk producing two irresistible...
People ask for it by name. No roadside stand should be without it. Good disease resistance. Silver Queen Hybrid is the most popular white corn in the industry. Ears are plump, 8-9” long with a 14-16 row count.
Bi-color sweet corn of augmented genotype. ‘Nirvana' is sweet and truly unique bi-color sweet corn, the best of all worlds. ‘Nirvana' is high yielding with uniform, full tipped ears that have good kernel contrast and rowing.
16 straight, refined rows on ears that are 8-8½". Better husk protection and tighter, more attractive husks than Xtra-Tender 270A, which it replaces. Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears.
One of the earliest corns to mature. Quickie is a great tasting bi-color corn. Displays good, cold-soil vigor for short-season areas. Corn has fine flavor, lasting sweetness and tenderness.
A celebrity in the field of sweet corn, Kandy Korn's tender, juicy, golden yellow 8 inch ears are packed full of good corn flavor. They do not germinate well in cold wet soil, so make sure your soil is at least 70°F; use a soil thermometer if uncertain.
Otherwise wait until soil temperature is at least 60°F (16°C). Make first sowings of UNTREATED seeds when soil is warm, at least 65°F (18°C). Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of...