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Vegetable Seeds Seeds For Sale In Westminster

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Cape Aloe
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Adapts well to home or greenhouse environment. Pharmaceutical source of aloe used as a purgative. Also, an ingredient of the ‘Swedish Bitters' popularized by European herbalist Maria Treben.
  • Botanical Name: Aloe ferox
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Duration: Perennial
White Pompon Feverfew
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Contains 0.3% parthenolide. Long stems, suitable for cutflowers. Dense double white pompon type.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Tanacetum parthenium 'White Pompon'
  • When to Sow: Spring
Crystal Apple Cucumber
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Matures in 60 days. The round white fruits are about 7cm/3" across and fit easily in the palm. The texture is nice and crisp and the flavour is sweet and never gets bitter. A beautiful white version of the Lemon heirloom cucumber.
  • Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus 'Crystal Apple'
Favorit Parsley
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

It is a tad sweeter too, making it one terrific parsley for all around use. The leaves can be quite a chore to chew! But Favorit is different -- it is a curled parsley with a softer texture and a much nicer mouth-feel.
  • Uses: Culinary
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring
Chocolate Habanero Chile Pepper
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Heat: 100,000-350,000 Scoville units. Fiery chile from Trinidad. Matures into a deep orange-chocolate colour. Wrinkled lantern-shaped pods are used fresh or dried in salsas, chutneys, marinades.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Botanical Name: Capsicum chinense 'Chocolate Habanero'
  • Duration: Annual
New England Aster
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

This showy North American native displays its deep violet flowers in the fall. The Iroquois used it as a ‘love medicine' and as a ‘smudging' herb to revive the unconscious. Native people have used the roots of this plant for fever, catarrh and pain.
  • Botanical Name: Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Java Ginseng
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

(Jewels of Opar; Fameflower; Tu ren shen)
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
  • Uses: Medicinal/Culinary
  • Botanical Name: Talinum paniculatum
Home Medicine Chest Healing Herb Garden
Prices start at : 9.00 USD / Seed Collection / ea

Here's to good health, naturally! Cayenne, Comfrey, Valerian and Calendula.
Sweet Trefoil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Young seedlings as fresh greens with oil and salt.X6554 Also to flavour bread, soups, potato dishes and to make an aromatic tea. Powdered leaves and flowers used in Switzerland to flavour and colour Schabzieger or Sapsago cheese.
  • Botanical Name: Trigonella caerulea
Cucumber Bristol F1
Prices start at : 14.55 USD / Seed/500 Seeds

Intermediate resistance to downy mildew, papaya ringspot virus and powdery mildew. Resistant to scab, Anthracnose, cucumber mosaic virus, angular leaf spot and zucchini yellows mosaic virus.
  • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 54 days
Xenon Parsley
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Suited also for potplant production. Medium late maturity. Leaves are dark green, medium fine curled. Very uniform mosscurled type suited for fresh-cut and processing use.
  • Duration: Biennial
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring
Yellow Ageratum
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Dense clusters of small, yellow, button-like flowers.
  • Botanical Name: Lonas annua
Pumpkin One Too Many F1
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / Seed/Packet

Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew. This is a truly distinctive ornamental pumpkin that has great decorative potential. The pumpkins resemble a bloodshot eye and weigh 20 to 25 lbs.
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Maturation days: 110 days
Carrot Purple Haze F1
Prices start at : 2.40 USD / Seed/Packet

Note: Cooking dissolves the purple color. This is an All America Selections winner! Purple Haze is a striking carrot with a deep purple exterior color and contrasting orange interior color.
  • Soil temperature: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Germination days: 12 - 18 days
Ornamental Corn Indian Fingers
Prices start at : 3.35 USD / Seed/Packet

Hung in displays, these unique ears catch the light and turn heads. This delightful ornamental bears similar colors to Indian Ornamental, but its ears are much smaller, averaging only 3-1/2" in length! It has small shiny kernels in colors including mahogany,...
  • Maturation days: 110 days
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
Squash Blue Hubbard (New England Strain)
Prices start at : 6.35 USD / Seed/1 Ounce

The fruit can get up to 20-30" long and its flesh is of the highest quality, with a sweet, fine grained texture, and an orange color. And have a classic hubbard shape. Full vines yield blue-gray fruit that weigh 30-45 lbs.
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
Cucumber Raider F1
Prices start at : 3.70 USD / Seed/Packet

Intermediate resistance to ALS and CMV, and resistance to scab. Definitely a cucumber to start the season with in the Northern U.S. The favorite of northern growers for uniform, early harvests of fancy fresh market slicers.
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 6 - 10 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.5 - 1 inches
Aztec Marigold
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / Seeds / pkt

Ht. 60cm/24”. (African marigold) Although better known by the misnomer, ‘African marigold', this Central American annual is a popular bedding plant available in many ornamental hybrid forms.
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Botanical Name: Tagetes erecta 'Crackerjack'
  • Duration: Annual
Cabbage Viceroy F1
Prices start at : 8.20 USD / Seed/1,000 Seeds

Heads at a 12" spacing, which are ideal for fresh market use, or if you want larger 8 to 9 lb. Excellent holding ability with intermediate resistance to Black Rot, resistance to Fusarium Yellows, and tolerance to Thrips and tip burn.
  • Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 4 - 10 days
  • Maturation days: 90 days
Pumpkin Flatso F1
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

Flatso is a unique item for roadside and farmers' market sales. Flatso has a unique look with its flat oval shape that resembles an orange version of Long Island Cheese pumpkin. Fruit measure approximately 9 to 10" in diameter by 5 to 6" in height and...
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
Silver Sage
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

The leaves have a mild fruity aroma but they are not used in cooking or for scent. Prefers dry, sunny areas with excellent drainage. The tall silvery white flower spikes are attractive, but they should be cut back immediately after flowering otherwise...
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Anytime
  • Duration: Biennial or Perennial
Tomato Plum Regal F1
Prices start at : 6.00 USD / Seed/Packet

Ideal for vine ripe or mature green harvest Plum Regal's fruit have a deep red color, good flavor, deep red interior color and resists cracking and gray wall. Plum tomato is produced on a medium-sized, determinate plant that offers a high level of late...
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Maturation days: 75 days
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 6 - 14 days
Proa Yarrow
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

High yielding variety for medicinal use. The proazulene add a distinctive blue colour to the essential oil. Elite variety for commericial production, rich in proazulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium 'Proa'
  • Uses: Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Pepper Jalapeno M
Prices start at : 2.60 USD / Seed/Packet

Heavy yields are produced on upright plants. The 3-1/2" x 1" tapered, sausage-shaped fruit are smooth and deep green turning red. An improved thick-walled jalapeno pepper with the same fiery hot pungency, this uniform strain does quite well in northern...
  • Maturation days: 75 days
  • Germination days: 10 - 20 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Spectacular towering spikes of creamy white flowers. Easy to use: chopped roots are soaked in water and stirred to a lather. Roots contain 2% saponin, a soapy substance valuable in shampoos; leaves a fine sheen to hair.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Botanical Name: Yucca glauca
Sweet Corn Eden F1
Prices start at : 18.25 USD / Seed/1,000 Seeds

Its 8" bright white ears are set at 24" on sturdy and clean 6' plants and have exceptional quality and texture. Isolation required. Eden has strong tip fill and 16 rows of kernels.
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.25 inches
  • Maturation days: 76 days
Lyreleaf Sage
Prices start at : 5.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

An American folk remedy for cancer, hence its alias "cancerweed." Indians used the roots for sores, and the tea has been used for colds, coughs, nervous conditions. (Cancerweed) Attractive purple-blue flowers and cleft, dandelion-like leaves.
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Salvia lyrata
  • Ease of Germination: Easy