Non-invasive, unlike the European mugwort. Creamy white flowers set against a backdrop of green foliage makes this a very attractive ornamental herb for the garden. Indeed, the Royal Horticultural Society has honoured it with an Award of Garden Merit,...
It has been introduced successfully in many parts of the world including North America, East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. It is hardier than its American cousin, surviving in the far north, and throughout Europe and even parts of north Africa.
Stunning in flower beds! Flowers the first season if started early (Jan-Feb). Ht. 35-40cm/14-16. Lovely variety with large purple wing-like bracts resting upon a sea of dark purple flowerheads.
Brilliant red tubular flowers. Prefers sandy or gravelly soil on a slope. Considered a ‘life medicine' by the Navajo people who have used it for menstrual pain, stomach ache, wounds, swellings and coughs.
This flat-leaved form of chervil has been used in Europe for centuries. The flavour hints of anise but is never overbearing and it can liven up many dishes including salads. Like parsley, the fresh leaves are chopped and added at the last minute to traditional...
Borage, Calendula, Heartsease, Nasturtium, Citrus Marigold. Feast for the eyes -- pleasing to the palate. Herbs with edible flowers to add to salads, omelettes, desserts, and drinks.
A decoction of leaves was used for pneumonia, and an infusion was widely used for coughs and colds, fever, sore throat, and runny nose. (Desert sage; Basin sagebrush) This iconic sagebrush of the American West is a pale-grey shrub that can reach 1m/3ft...
Sow into moist, moderately rich, well-draining soil after last frost. There is evidence that at least several species of Rudbeckia have immunostimulatory activity similar to echinacea.
Traditional European panacea for many complaints including lack of appetite, sluggish digestion and stomach disturbances. Highly useful during convalescence.
A perfect white variety to use in mixed bunches with a red and purple variety. Ping Pong radish seed produces an interesting all white root with strong medium sized tops. Its roots are round to deep-round in shape and have a crisp flesh and mild flavor.
In addition, it's a heavy yielder and has intermediate resistance to TEV, PVY, and pepper mottle virus. This Jalapeno pepper offers wonderful jalapeno flavor but is not nearly as hot as others.
Refer to the Quick Facts Chart for additional disease protection information. Supremo is an early and productive hybrid Saladette that produces big yields of uniform large and extra-large fruit on a compact, determinate plant.
Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
Germination days: 6 - 14 days
Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
Speckled Swan gourds are a great item for selling to craft stores, painting or dressing up and displaying at your roadside market. This unique gourd is a hit with customers. The long necks curve gracefully and enlarge at the end to resemble a swan's head.
Patent 7439423. Intermediate resistance to BCMV (BV-1 and NY 15), Bean Rust, Halo Blight (race 2) and Curly Top Virus. Its round, slim pods hold well at maturity and measure 6" in length.
Fine garden annual, easily grown. Brilliant orange or red crested flowers resemble a rooster's comb. Used in China for stopping hemorrhages and diarrhea. Also helps to clear vision.
Recent research suggests it has powerful anti-viral properties. (Huacatay) ‘Weedkiller' plant. Besides its nematodicidal and insecticidal properies, it destroys noxious weeds, including ground elder, bindweed, couch grass and ground ivy.
This delightful ornamental bears similar colors to Indian Ornamental, but its ears are much smaller, averaging only 3-1/2" in length! It has small shiny kernels in colors including mahogany, yellow, red, purple and orange stripe on yellow.
Cool weather crop; roots attain maximum sugar content in the fall. A traditional source of molasses and sugar. Although the process is lengthy it is possible to extract molasses, and even sugar, at home from sugar beets grown in your garden.
Ht. 70-80cm/28-32. Good heat and drought tolerance. Excellent cutflower. Impressive new series from Germany with abundant large flowers, 10-12cm/4-5 across. Attracts butterflies.
Uses: Medicinal
Botanical Name: E. purpurea 'Primadonna Deep Rose'
Patent 6911586. The earliness means you'll get to the market at prime time, and the upright plant structure makes for an excellent mechanical harvest variety. Ambra beans are a prolific yielder that develop straight, smooth, medium dark green 6" pods.
Excellent for colds and coughs. Charming European yellow wildflower similar to cowslip but larger. Root tea stops catarrh and acts to expel phlegm. Attracts butterflies.
The fruit are firm and smooth with clean shoulders, and they have an excellent uniform red color. Mountain Fresh Plus is the choice for main season production. If Nematodes trouble your tomato crop, then Mountain Fresh Plus is the variety to grow.
Spicy anise-licorice aroma and flavour; excellent served fresh in such dishes as Thai green curries and Vietnamese noodle soups. All-American winner for 1997. Major improvement on the standard variety.
This one is a must for fall ornamental displays. We believe this variety commands the large ornamental marketplace. Never have we seen such a wide diversity of color in one variety.
The black sagebrush is one of the most common shrubs of the United States. The low grey-green shrub is found from California to New Mexico north to Montana. The Shoshoni Indians of Nevada used the leaves for coughs and colds.