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Vegetable Seeds Garden Supplies For Sale In San Jose

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Okra Clemson Spineless Seed
Prices start at : 5.50 USD / 200 Seeds

GARDEN HINTS: Soak seed in warm water overnight to speed germination. High plants produce an abundance of dark green, grooved pods without spines. It's a fun hobby of mine and I thought I would share the seeds with the world.
  • Container Planting: no
  • Lifecycle: 0 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
Costa Rica
San Jose
Tomato - Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge - 25 seed
Prices start at : 1.25 USD / ofps25

80 TO 85 day ORANGE AND PURPLE Indeterminate OFPS is an unusual heirloom from the USA. A beautiful addition to a relish or veggie tray. Outside fruits, will develop the distincive 'purple smudge'.
  • Propagation / Germination: Easy. Sow seed 1/4 inch deep. Keep moist. Provide light after germination.
  • Heirloom: yes
  • Spacing: 8 ft x 8 ft
  • Fruit: The 4 to 8 oz. fruits are golden orange with distinct purple mottling.
  • Container Planting: no
  • Lifecycle: 0 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
Costa Rica
San Jose
Summer Squash Seeds - Zucchini, Dark Green - Organic
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 4g

Mottled dark green fruits with pale green flesh. USDA Certified Organic. A vigorous, productive bush variety with early concentrated yields.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Pepper seed (spice) -  Hungarian Paprika
Prices start at : 3.05 USD / Packet (0.45g , 70 seeds)

The sweet, very dry flesh is ideal for drying. Our vegetable seeds do especially well in hot, humid climates where vegetable production can be difficult. Plants average 18" high, producing an abundance of peppers averaging 1' x 5'.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Kolh Rabi Early Purple Vienna   Heirloom
Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 25 Seeds

A pre-1860 heirloom. Purple skin and sweet, white flesh, good cooked or raw. Harvest when the "bulbs" are about 3 inches in diameter. Allow the plants about 6-12 inches minimum spacing.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Onion Seed: Apache Scallion
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / Packet - 100 Seeds

Deep burgundy scallion with red to purple accents. Minimum 100 Seeds Painted Desert Seed Company is a Member: Seed Savers Exchange Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance Farmer Veteran Coalition
  • Diameter: 6 inches
  • Propagation / Germination: Sow 1/4 inch deep in moist soil, cover lightly, water thoroughly, keep moist but not wet, germinates in 6-12 days at 70-75?F
  • USDA Zones: 5 to 9
  • Foliage: Tubular, upright, spear shaped, dark green.
  • Height: 12 inches
  • Other Names: Spring onion, bunching onion
Costa Rica
San Jose
PADRON PEPPERS - Pimientos de Padron
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / pack100

It is not uncommon to find a fiery pepper in the mix (roughly one in 10), making for a bit of Culinary roulette. PADRON PEPPERS - Pimientos de Padron Ships free via USPS First Class Mail Small Package with Delivery Confirmation.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Okra Seeds - Burgundy - Organic
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 4g

USDA Certified Organic. Long, tenderest at 7 in. Spineless pods up to 10 in. Other red okras bear longer and handle disease better but Burgundy is earlier and fine tasting. AAS winner.] Stems, leaf veins, and pods are deep red-maroon.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Pumpkin - Jack-O-Lantern Type
Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 20 seeds

Seeds make a delicious and healthy snack. Use for Jack-O-Lantern and for eating. Four to 6 seeds per hill and thin to two of the strongest plants. Usually sown in hills. Plant: Direct seed at about the frost free date.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Organic Canada Red Rhubarb Seeds
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / 60 Seeds

Rhubarb is very drought resistant. Very good for further northern plantings, also works well in intensive gardening locations. Soil: Well-drained, fertile/humus rich, amend with compost if needed.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Ros de Mallorca pepper 10+ Seeds
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / RosMal10seeds

It is sometimes cured up to a year. Ros De Mallorca-(Capsicum annuum)-This pepper is from the Islands of Mallorca off the coast of Spain. Except these get much larger. The Ros de Mallorca pepper can get over 3 inches in width and almost a foot long! It...
  • Water: Ros de Mallorca Pepper water as needed.
  • Spacing: Ros de Mallorca Pepper two foot spacing.
  • USDA Zones: 3 to 11
  • Sun: Ros de Mallorca Pepper partial to full sun.
  • Flowers: Ros de Mallorca Pepper has white flowers.
  • Diameter: Ros de Mallorca Pepper has 2 foot spread.
Costa Rica
San Jose
Table Queen Acorn Winter Squash Garden Seeds - 1 Oz - Heirloom, Non-GMO - Vegetable Gardening Seed by Mountain Valley Seeds
Prices start at : 5.35 USD / each

Squash Seeds - Winter - Table Queen Acorn - 1 Oz - Cucurbita pepo -- Non-GMO - Heirloom - Open Pollinated - High Germination Rate -- Seeds For: Vegetable Gardening -- Days to Full Maturity: 85 -- Annual -- USDA Hardiness Zone: Annual Crop Not Intended...
  • Brand: Mountain Valley Seed Company
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 34603
  • Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 9.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches
Costa Rica
San Jose
Dent Corn Seeds - Jellicorse Twin
Prices start at : 12.75 USD / 454g (1 lb.)

(white) 120 days. [Pre-1920.] Tennessee variety, similar to Neal's Paymaster but with a white cob. Extremely heat tolerant, has set seed even during 107 degrees F temperatures!
Costa Rica
San Jose
Silvery Fir Tree tomato seedCERTIFIED ORGANIC
Prices start at : 3.00 USD / 25 seeds

Certified organic, northern-grown, open-pollinated, vegetable seed! We are professional seed growers. Distinctive fern-like foliage. Varieties that are well adapted to evolving disease and pest cycles are critical to organic farming systems.


    • Heirloom: yes
    • Lifecycle: 1 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
    • Foliage: Determinant; compact plants. Fernlike foliage.
    • Container Planting: yes
    • Sun: Full sun.
    • Propagation / Germination: Days to Germination: 7-12.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Batavian Lettuce Seeds - Sierra - Organic
    Prices start at : 5.50 USD / 7g

    USDA Certified Organic. Holds well under high heat. Leaves are glossy green with reddish veins. Open-headed batavian crisphead with excellent resistance to bottom rot and tip-burn.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Cabbage Seeds - Early Flat Dutch
    Prices start at : 2.25 USD / 2g

    Large, flat heads, 6 to 10 lbs, average 11 in. With medium core and few outside leaves. [Pre-1875, possibly pre-1855.] Does well in southern and coastal areas thanks to its heat resistance.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Cherry Tomato Seeds - Amy\'s Apricot - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.16g

    A sensation at our 2011 festival--many tasters preferred Amy's apricot to Sungold. Introduced 2012 by SESE.] Sweet, apricot-colored cherry tomatoes. USDA Certified Organic. Wow! A work in progress, needing some rogueing out yet of red off-types, but we're...
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Jimmy Nardello\'s Sweet Pepper, 20 Seeds
    Prices start at : 4.00 USD / 20 Seeds

    This variety of pepper was originally from Basilicata, a southern region of Italy. Pepper All seeds sold were grown in 2017 for the 2017 and 2018 planting season. The pepper tapers from the shoulder to tip, with a curving, somewhat wrinkled appearance.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Beet Seeds - Cylindra - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.35 USD / 5g

    USDA Certified Organic. Carrot-shaped beets are easier to peel and slice than regular beets. [Danish heirloom] Rich red beets are tender sweet.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Cherry Tomato Seeds - Wickline Cherry
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 0.16g

    PA heirloom.] Pinkish-red, egg-shaped 1 x 1-1/2 in. (Indeterminate) Beefsteak tomato flavor in a cherry-sized fruit. Meaty fruits with a well-balanced mix of flavors. Tall, productive plants tolerate cool, wet conditions.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Parsnip Seeds - Harris Model - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.25 USD / 2g

    Long a popular favorite. Sweet, tender, bright white roots, 10-12 in. Long, 3-1/2 in.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Pumpkin Seeds - Small Sugar - Organic
    Prices start at : 5.50 USD / 28g

    Sweet dry flesh is high in solids and low in stringiness. [Pre-1860.] A traditional favorite of home gardeners. (New England Pie, Sugar Pumpkin) USDA Certified Organic. Round orange fruits weigh 6-8 lbs.
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Borg 9 Red Hot Pepper 10+ Seeds
    Prices start at : 5.99 USD / BorgRed10seed

    Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed.
    • Heirloom: no
    • Fruit: Borg 9 Red Pepper has Red fruit.
    • Container Planting: yes
    • Soil: Borg 9 Red Pepper needs well draining soil.
    • Water: Borg 9 Red Pepper water as needed.
    • Lifecycle: 2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
    Costa Rica
    San Jose
    Perennial Leeks - seeds
    Prices start at : 3.50 USD / seed P leeks 100

    I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well. They form little bulbs at the base as well as seed in warmer climates . Our seeds are packaged in original art packets, hand folded with 100% recycled paper.



        • Pests and Diseases: no
        • Diameter: 3 inches
        • Container Planting: yes
        • Flowers: white
        • Fruit: no
        • Heirloom: yes
        Costa Rica
        San Jose
        Seeds: Mini Bell Pepper Collection
        Prices start at : 11.55 USD / 60 Seeds, 20 Each

        Early Season with continuous fruit through the season. Grows about 12 to 18 inches tall and does well in containers. The Mini Red, Orange and Chocolate Bell sweet pepper collection is ideal for stuffing or raw in salads.
        Costa Rica
        San Jose
        Sepia Serpent Chile 10+ Seeds
        Prices start at : 4.99 USD / Sepia10seeds

        Sepia Serpent-(Capsicum chinense)-I obtained my seeds for this Butch T Scorpion-7 Pot Douglah cross from my good friend Pat Pablo in Guam. The Sepia Serpent peppers come in many shapes like other chocolate hot types.
        • USDA Zones: 3 to 11
        • Soil: Sepia Serpent Pepper needs well draining soil.
        • Water: Sepia Serpent Pepper water as needed.
        • Heirloom: no
        • Container Planting: yes
        • Spacing: Sepia Serpent Pepper 2 foot spacing.
        Costa Rica
        San Jose
        Organic Evergreen Long White Bunching Onion 200 Seeds (Non-Gmo)
        Prices start at : 4.52 USD / each

        Clusters of long, slender, tasty stalks with "spring green" ends.Height: 12-14 inches Days to Maturity: 120 days Sowing Method: Direct SowSun: Full Sun Spread: 8 inchesSow onion seeds in average soil in full sun after danger of frost in spring.
        •  200 Seeds.
        •  120 days.
        • Brand: JaysSeeds
        Costa Rica
        San Jose