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Vegetable Seeds Garden Supplies For Sale In Durham

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Romaine Lettuce Seeds - Rouge D\'Hiver-Organic
Prices start at : 5.50 USD / 7g

[French heirloom ca. (Red Winter) 62 days. We've had excellent quality overwintering it under row cover here in Virginia. 1840.] Red and green leaves with deep red tips, forms semi-open romaine heads with good flavor.
North Carolina
Joelenes Rustic Italian Pepper 10+ seeds
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / Joelene10seeds

They have a very smooth skin which comes off easy when roasting. I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. It is an original Oregon State/Corvallis Farm Variety.
  • Flowers: Joelenes Rustic Italian Pepper has white flowers.
  • Lifecycle: 2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • Fruit: Joelenes Rustic Italian Pepper has red fruits.
  • Container Planting: yes
  • Water: Joelenes Rustic Italian Pepper water as needed.
  • Other Names: Joelenes Italian Pepper
North Carolina
Seeds: 7 Pot Douglah
Prices start at : 4.00 USD / 20 Seeds

The pod matures from green to brown. On average the plant is between 30 and 36 inches tall. All seeds sold were grown in 2017 for the 2017 and 2018 planting season. The pod measures 2.25 inches long by 1.25 with a medium thick flesh.
North Carolina
Radish Seeds - Black Spanish Round - Organic
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 4g

Or larger in diameter. 53 days [Pre-1824.] Round root grows 3-4 in. Flesh is crisp and pungent. Firm, white flesh and thin, nearly-black skin. USDA Certified Organic. Very hardy, and an excellent winter keeper.
North Carolina
Choricero Pepper 10+ Seeds
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / Choricero10seeds

Choricero-(Capsicum annuum)- Also know as Cuerno de cabra. I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible.
  • USDA Zones: 3 to 11
  • Heirloom: yes
  • Other Names: Chorizo pepper
  • Lifecycle: 2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • Soil: Choricero Pepper needs well draining soil.
  • Diameter: Choricero Pepper has 2 foot spread.
North Carolina
Tomatillo Seeds - Purple - Organic
Prices start at : 5.50 USD / 1.5g

Fruits ripen to dark purple. USDA Organic Certified. Sweeter than green varieties.
North Carolina
Carbonero Pepper 10+ Seeds
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / Carbon10Seeds

I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate! Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
North Carolina
Dwarf Snap Pea Seeds - Sugar Ann - Organic
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / 228g

USDA Certified Organic. [1984, AAS Winner] Extra-early. Also good for fall crop. Vines don't require trellising. Crisp, flavorful 3 in.
North Carolina
Bulk Organic Red Chard Seeds
Prices start at : 147.00 USD / 5 lbs.

Latin Name: Beta vulgaris Days to Maturity: 30 days baby leaf, 60 full size An outstanding chard that has Corvette red stems that extend into bright green leaves forming one of natures amazing works of art.
North Carolina
Tomato -Black Russian Tula Heirloom
Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 25 seeds

Tomatoes are the ultimate preventative medicine. Adjust your tomato plants to the outdoors before planting them. This orgainic heirloom variety originally came out of Tula, Russia.
North Carolina
Pumpkin - Small Sugar Heirloom Seed
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 20 Seeds

Has excellent flavor for making pumpkin pies. Though small the vines kept producing blossoms that kept turning into little pie pumpkins! It has a very smooth texture with a bright orange flesh.
North Carolina
Tomatillo Seeds - Wild  Heirloom
Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 25 Seeds

Botanical name: Physalis philadelphica Tomatillo is also known as Toma Verde or Ground Cherries. The inside is white and meatier than a tomato. It is a member of the nightshade family, they are closely related to tomatoes.
North Carolina
Pole Lima Bean Seeds - Sieva - Organic
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / 114g

(Carolina) 82 days. USDA Certified Organic. Vigorous, drought tolerant vines can grow 9-10 ft. 3-4 seeds per pod. Tall, need a sturdy trellis. This small, plumb white lima has great flavor.
North Carolina
Snow Pea Seeds - Oregon Giant - Organic
Prices start at : 9.25 USD / 454g (1 lb)

70 days [Improved selection of old favorite Oregon Sugar Pod II.] One of the best yielding snow peas. Vines resist common wilt, mosaic virus, and powdery mildew. Giant (5 in.) pods have a mild, sweet flavor.
North Carolina
Organic Strawberry Red Corn
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / 8 Ounces

Optimal temperatures for growth vary between day and night, as well as over the entire growing season. Temperature: Corn can survive brief exposures to adverse temperatures-low-end adverse temperatures being around 32 degrees F and high-end ones being...
North Carolina
Hot Pepper Seeds - Jalapeno Early Red
Prices start at : 1.99 USD / 20 seeds

Place the container in an area with 75 to 80 degrees F for germination. We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality. Sow in a container of potting soil.
North Carolina
Sweet Corn Seeds - Aunt Mary\'s
Prices start at : 3.50 USD / 28g

Our stock is from the original 1800s native strain. [Ohio heirloom. (white) 69 days. Ears, most with 12-14 rows of white kernels. Sturdy stalks, 1-2 ears per stalk, 6-8 in. Later selected for canning and commercial seed sales.] Aunt Mary's has attracted...
North Carolina
Bulk Organic Pickling Cucumber Seeds
Prices start at : 231.00 USD / 10 lbs.

Among the more unusual qualities of the humble cuke is its ability to ease skin irritations. A very popular variety at the turn of the century. Organically! Mycorrhizae will: ~Increase nutrient uptake ~Increase drought tolerance ~Increase resistance to...
North Carolina
Carrot Seeds - Cosmic Purple - Organic
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 1g

[Yellow and purple carrots were first recorded in Asia Minor in the 10th century. Spicier flavor than regular carrots; great for adding color to salads and stir fries. For the first few hundred years of their managed cultivation, carrots were predominantly...
North Carolina
Chocolate Brainstrain Hot Pepper 10+ Seeds
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / Chocbrain10seed

Chocolate Brainstrain AU-(Capsicum chinense)-The origin of these seeds traces back to Master grower and sauce maker Marcel De Witt from Australia. Being that the original 7 Pot Brainstrain has some variance we dont expect perfection.
  • Heirloom: no
  • Soil: Chocolate Brainstrain Pepper needs well drained soil.
  • Sun: Chocolate Brainstrain Pepper partial to full sun.
  • Diameter: Chocolate Brainstrain Pepper has 2 foot spread.
  • Flowers: Chocolate Brainstrain Pepper has white flowers.
  • Water: Chocolate Brainstrain Pepper water as needed.
North Carolina
Dolmalik Biber Pepper 10+ Seeds
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / Dolmalik10seeds

Dolmalik Biber-(Capsicum annuum)-The Dolmalik is an heirloom Ancho type pepper from Turkey. They are used as a powder in Turkey to season meats but also make an ideal stuffing or roasting pepper.
  • Container Planting: yes
  • Other Names: Dolmalik pepper, Dolmalik chile
  • Height: Dolmalik Biber Pepper over 2 feet tall.
  • Diameter: Dolmalik Biber Pepper 2 foot spread.
  • Lifecycle: 2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • USDA Zones: 3 to 11
North Carolina
Red Bhutlah OG Hot Pepper 10+ Seeds
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / BhtRedOG10seed

This is the original from the creator himself. I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects.
  • Diameter: Bhutlah Red OG Pepper 2 foot spread.
  • Lifecycle: 2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • Other Names: Red Bhutlah chile
  • Sun: Bhutlah Red OG Pepper partial to full sun.
  • Flowers: Bhutlah Red OG Pepper has white flowers.
  • Soil: Bhutlah Red OG Pepper needs well draining soil.
North Carolina
Organic Listada De Gandia Eggplant Seeds
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / 120 Seeds

***FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ITEMS EXTENDED UNTIL AUGUST 31ST, 2018*** Since the mid-80's my family and myself have been deeply involved in promoting Organics, Organic Lifestyles, and helping local buyers, seller, and those wishing to improve their environment,...
North Carolina
Okra Seeds - Burmese - Organic
Prices start at : 6.50 USD / 28g

USDA Certified Organic. Tall and continues to bear until frost. Slender pods are curved and virtually spineless. Huge leaves, typically 16 in. Pods mature from light green to creamy yellow-green.
North Carolina
Tomato - Brandywine Red - 25 seeds
Prices start at : 1.25 USD / brandyred25

Fruits are a nice red color with firm clear skin and excellent flavor. The extra large 22 oz. 25 seeds per pack The entire Brandywine series gets their name from Brandywine Creek, in Chester County Pennsylvania.
  • Lifecycle: 1 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • Spacing: 6 ft. x 6 ft.
  • Container Planting: no
  • Heirloom: yes
  • Sun: Full sun
North Carolina
Popcorn Seeds-Cherokee Long Ear Small-Organic
Prices start at : 6.25 USD / 114g

Carl has helped save many of the Cherokee corns that came west over the Trail of Tears.] Small kernelled variety makes surprisingly large pops, yielding for a low hull/corn ratio. (rainbow) (100 days) [Seedstock from Merlyn Niedens, combining several...
North Carolina
Early Contender Green Bean CERTIFIED ORGANIC
Prices start at : 3.00 USD / 1 packet (50 seeds)

We are continually selecting and adapting our varieties to a changing environment. Varieties that are well adapted to evolving disease and pest cycles are critical to organic farming systems.
  • Diameter: 2 feet
  • Spacing: Planting Depth: 1 inch; Plant spacing: 2-3 inches; 2-3 feet between rows.
  • Water: Moderate water.
  • Sun: Full
  • Height: 3 feet
North Carolina