The former world record holder for many years, it has become a staple for most hot pepper growers. We are a Certified Naturally Grown urban family farm. Plants get about 3 + feet in height.
Great raw, as well as for cooking, roasting, and canning. An incredibly sweet, bright red, thick-fleshed pimento pepper, 4" x 1-1/2". USDA Certified Organic. Small plants can be spaced closer (18 in.
Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate! The Chocolate Moruga Brains chile plants grow over 4 feet tall. I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects.
Name 7 Pot comes from Trinidad locals who say that one pepper can add heat to 7 pots of stew. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed.
Most of the 2 in. Very hot, used traditionally in shellfish and fish cookery. Great heat tolerance. Beautiful edible landscape plant. (green-white > green-yellow > red) [African-American heirloom from MD.] White and green mottled leaves.
60days Stronger flavor than Deep Purple bunching onion. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
Ripe peppers measure 60 to 85 mm (2.4 to 3.3 in) long and 25 to 30 mm (1.0 to 1.2 in) wide with a red, yellow, orange or chocolate color. We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality.
I can make a butter and radish sandwich everyday and love every bite. Description As far as I am concerned French Breakfast Radishes are the best. This is a mild tasting radish. Thanks for looking.
[Alabama heirloom, original seedstock from Jean Mills. Introduced 2015 by SESE.] Beautiful blue leaves with plum-colored veins. Plants have smaller leaves than most collards, can be planted closer together.
I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is...
The 3 foot plants have purple leaves, purple stems, purple flowers and purple fruits that eventually turn red when ripened. 90 day- 1,000,000+ scovilles- blow your brains out hot The Purple Ghost pepper is pretty enough to plant in your flower garden.
The rich-red fruits are 1" to 1-�" wide at the top, are tapered in shape, and average 4" long. [Ethnic variety from Bulgaria] Like other ethnic varieties the fruits are somewhat variable in shape.
USDA Certified Organic. Juncea) 43 days. Good cold tolerance and a strong mustard flavor. A beautiful mustard from Japan, Red Giant has well-savoyed leaves, predominately reddish-purple with an undercoat of deep green.
USDA Certified Organic. Wilt-resistant vines grow to 5 ft. Row can yield as much as a bushel. Sweet, flavorful pods hold their quality even when picked a bit late.
The Maras Biber chile plants grow 2-3 feet tall. I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed.
I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is...
65 days [Heirloom from Washington Parrish, LA] Similar to Peking Black but slightly earlier. Vigorous, semi-vining plants. Food historian William Woys Weaver notes that in Louisiana these peas are often cooked with limas and green peanuts.
Uniform 6-8" by 2-2½" roots. High yields in clay or heavy soils. Dark bright-orange flesh, nearly coreless. Sweet and tender. Leading main crop variety for home and market, stores well.
I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate! Syrian Goathorn-(Capsicum annuum)-This is a delicious Syrian variety that came directly...
Heirloom: yes
Spacing: Syrian Goathorn Pepper 2 foot spacing.
Diameter: Syrian Goathorn Pepper has 2 foot spread.
Many are a bright violet color throughout their flesh. It's a fun hobby of mine and I thought I would share the seeds with the world. Turns purple when ripe, rare! Husband and wife operation gardening and saving seeds.
Happy Planting !! Plant in mid spring. Plant 1 foot apart. Roots are usually peeled, sliced, grated or diced for soups and stews or they can be boiled whole or dehydrated as strips or diced.
Moschata) 110 days. 5-9 lb.squash with great flavor, bakes quickly despite its size. Two different shapes make up the variety: one slightly bell-shapped, the other flatter. Tan skin, orange flesh.
Organically! Mycorrhizae will: ~Increase nutrient uptake ~Increase drought tolerance ~Increase resistance to pathogens ~Increase vigor and yield Mix and match 10 seed packets from my store for FREE SHIPPING.
Keeps very well in a cool room, as I have had one in my basement for 2 years! However I don't recommend keeping them that long as the taste fades away as they dry out. Taste of perfection.
The 1 to 1-1/2 inch fruits are perfectly round, sweet and delicious. 75 day WHITE Indeterminate Snow White Cherry is a wonderful heirloom from the USA. Creamy ivory fruits are produced on tall vines, requiring stakes.
Fruit: The 1 to 1-1/2 inch fruits are round, creamy ivory
The Chile Comapeno Chile plants like Tepins can grow into a large bush between 3-4 feet tall. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed.
Container Planting: yes
Heirloom: yes
Sun: Chile Comapeno Pepper full sun.
Soil: Chile Comapeno Pepper needs well drained soil.
Pelso-(Capsicum annuum)-This is an Hungarian Paprika type that has mild heat. The Pelso fruits grow pointing up and are about 3 inches in diameter and 4 inches long coming to a point at the end.