For the smaller-scale grower, broadcast the seed over the surface of the soil and rake in to ensure good soil contact. Steeped in history, this ancient grain traces its roots back to its arrival in North America in the sixteenth century.
Some varieties, such as mung bean, have flavor improved by blanching. This rich, hearty mix of adzuki, mung and green lentil has a sweet, nutty flavor that's great raw or lightly stir-fried or steamed.
Contact your local county extension agent if you suspect you have a problem. Add 1 tablespoon of molasses. Not recommended. Reapply as necessary. Also, select varieties that mature later in the season when aphid populations decline.
Savor the flavors that fill the kitchens of Europe. Start indoors 4-6 weeks before anticipated transplant date. Sow greens every couple of weeks to ensure a continuous supply of young plants.
Gourmet greens perform best when planted in early spring or fall. Aphids and flea beetles. Plants are most vigorous and the flavors are better when daytime air temperatures are between 60-70°F.
Honeynut shows reliably high germination, uniformity, adaptability, and heavy yields. The best of a butternut in a convenient, personal-sized fruit that consumers are demanding for manageability.
(Seed Variable); 2-8 lbs./acre.; 7-10 days, 72°F. The fruit has green skin with grey streaks. Start early indoors in pots and transplant after last spring frost. Can also be seeded directly in the field after soil temperature is 72°F.
Gourmet greens perform best when planted in early spring or fall. Aphids and flea beetles. Plants are most vigorous and the flavors are better when daytime air temperatures are between 60-70°F.
(Seed Variable); 2-8 lbs./acre.; 7-10 days, 72°F. One of the most outstanding winter squashes we've grown. Start early indoors in pots and transplant after last spring frost. Can also be seeded directly in the field after soil temperature is 72°F.
Poor fruit set is often the result of inadequate pollination; plant bee attractant flowers. Work in shovelful of compost and 1/2 cup TSC's Complete fertilizer into hill. CMV | Cucumber Mosaic Virus PM | Powdery Mildew PRV | Papaya Ringspot Virus WMV*...
Semi-bush habit with excellent storage ability. Great for pies and baking. Festival F1 squash is a beautiful multi-colored squash (1-2 lbs.) with excellent eating quality. Flesh is peach-colored, similar to an acorn squash but with better sweet flavor...
If necessary, check with your local Cooperative Extension Service agent for specific control options.Cucumber beetles, squash bugs, and vine borers are all common pests for cucurbits.
Medium length vines. Very sweet, deep orange flesh that is excellent for stuffing. Sweat Dumpling is a small, 4″ diameter, teacup-shaped fruits that grow up to 1 lb. A great item to serve as a single-serving.
Fruits have an ivory background with green striping between the ribs, and avg. Sun cure by exposing fruits for 5-7 days or cure indoors by keeping squash at 80-85°F/27-29°C with good air ventilation.Store at 50-60°F/10-15°C, 50-70% relative humidity...
Plastic mulch and fabric row covers (AG-19 grade) can aide plant establishment and exclude insect pests during the seedling stage. Poor fruit development may indicate insufficient pollination.Sow 2-3 seeds per 2" container or plug flat about 3 weeks prior...
Broccoli performs best in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Broccoli is a cool-season crop that does not tolerate extreme heat; rough heads or leaves in the head are usually from heat stress.
Replace the sprouter top and drain this water and repeat the process. One of the most popular and easiest to sprout. Swirl sprout seeds for approximately 30-45 seconds then drain water.
(Seed Variable); 2-8 lbs./acre.; 7-10 days, 72°F. Waltham Butternut squash is the most popular commercially grown butternut, setting the standard with a sweet, nutty flavor. Start early indoors in pots and transplant after last spring frost.
True to its name, grow your own spaghetti noodles! The Vegetable Spaghetti squash is great to use for spaghetti and other meals. A healthy, tasty replacement for spaghetti noodles.
Beautiful hallucinogenic plants from South America where they have a history of shamanic ritual use for divination, prophecy and sorcery. They are also used externally in the form of poultices or ointments for the treatment of aches, pains, arthritis,...
(Western Shipper) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Start early indoors or direct seed. For smaller fruit, increase plant population by 15% to 20%. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. Tolerant to Alternaria, ALS and PM Race 1 and 2 .
Plant stems form well into a wreath base for any season. Flowers are sometimes brewed into tea, though caution should be taken as seeds and leaves contain oxalic acid and saponin. Sow into moderately rich soil, in full sun to part shade.
Fleshy roots, dug in autumn and boiled and roasted, taste like chestnuts. (Eryngo) Grown for its roots which are both edible and medicinal. Was prescribed for chronic nervousness and kidney and bladder disease.
Very easy to grow. In Jamaica and in Guyana the preferred leaf is from the amaranth. Sow direct in the garden in spring. The young leaves are sweet and slightly tangy to the taste and are used like spinach in soups, salads and in meat and fish dishes.
Excellent flavor and a novelty for fall decoration. (Seed Variable); 2-8 lbs./acre.; 7-10 days, 72°F. Start early indoors in pots and transplant after last spring frost. (10 lbs.) Triamble is a triangular heirloom winter squash from Australia.
Infusion of leaves makes a pleasant cordial tea. Has a faint thyme-like aroma. New research shows it is a good skin and wound remedy. Helps overcome stomach weakness.