Also known as Corn Salad, Lamb's Lettuce, or Mache. Leaves are succulent, firm, and dark green. Simply lay it in a furrow and cover with a light layer of sifted compost or soil, water and wait.
As with all greens, a rinse in cold water will help preserve the flavor and texture. Harvest greens frequently and when young. Most will tolerate light to moderate frosts with minimal cover.
As a rule, sprouts seeds generally start to grow within 3 to 7 days, depending on the sprout variety. Ready to expand your sprout horizon? A great addition to Caesar salad. Clean your sprouter or Mason jar before each use.
Ample wrapping leaves provide shielding from sun and cold, so gardeners north and south can grow this American favorite! See Brassica Insect Information below. The name says it all! Amazing is the classic cauliflower with the hearty flavor and dense,...
Ivory cream skin with dark grey stripes. 7-9” long and 3” in diameter. Can also be seeded directly in the field after soil temperature is 72°F. Start early indoors in pots and transplant after last spring frost.
In our trials many of the young fruit sport a green base for added visual interest. For best results move winter squash to a warm dry area 80-90°F to cure; see each type (below) for curing requirements.
No more having to thin seedlings! This biodegradable tape will plant a row 5 meters (15 feet, 5 inches) long. IR indicates intermediate resistance. Simply lay it in a furrow and cover with a light layer of sifted compost or soil, water and wait.
It is highly recommended to consume your sprouts within 5 to 7 days to realize best quality and health benefits. Sanitation is very important when sprouting seeds. For jar sprouting add a few inches of water and replace lid.
Growing information included. The 25-30 inch tall plants burst into color in May and June for a stunning display whether in the landscape or as a cut flower. `Bowl of Beauty' A true garden favorite, this unusual peony flaunts cupped, vivid pink outer...
Side dress with 1/2 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer at transplant. Keep beds evenly moist and/or use shade cloth to maintain quality during heat waves. Not recommended for fall plantings.
Protect young plants with floating row cover. Keep field borders mowed and remove plant refuse in the fall; spring plow to bury pupae. Fruits can be roasted, stuffed, or made into pie filling.
No two will look alike. They are flattened globes with deep ribs. Can also be seeded directly in the field after soil temperature is 72°F. Start early indoors in pots and transplant after last spring frost.
It is a productive and high quality squash for home gardens and large commercial markets. It is also attractive in holiday displays. (7-8 lbs.) Geisha F1 Hybrid is a sweet and flavorful Kabocha type squash.
Drain the water the very next day and remove the top. Store mature sprouts in a bowl or plastic storage bag and add a paper towel in the bottom to absorb excess moisture. If you are using a tray sprouter complete sprouting with instructions provided with...
Yield: 3-4 fruits/plant. Pyrethrin sprays may offer some control.Fruits are typically ready about 50-55 days after fruit set, and should be harvested before any hard frosts. Kabochas get sweeter with a few weeks of storage.
Larger fruits with small seed cavities and thick, straight, cylindrical necks. Flesh has smooth texture and sweet flavor, particularly after 2 months of storage. Keep field borders mowed and remove plant refuse in the fall; spring plow to bury pupae.
It is sweet and flavorful. The fruit are egg shaped with a sunshine yellow color when ripe. (1.5-2 lbs.) Angel Hair F1 Hybrid is a personal size spaghetti squash that provides only 1-2 servings.
Heat: 50,000-100,000 Scoville units. Evidence indicates it has been consumed by humans as far back as 7,500 BC. They can be dried like peppercorns or used fresh in salsa. Ripens to a brilliant red colour and packs serious concentrated heat.
Its legendary healing powers are summed up in the Arab proverb, “In the black seed is the medicine for every disease except death.” (Fennel flower; Russian caraway; Black caraway) Commonly featured in Indian dhals and equally at home in Russian rye...
Its use goes back as far as 2700 B.C., but it was not until the 3rd century A.D. that China's tea-drinking culture began to develop and it was around 800 A.D. that tea was introduced to Japan.
Tropical fruit and timber tree used widely in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Poultice of fresh leaves helps reduce swellings and boils and relieves pain. Cooling tea made from leaves is useful for fevers, dysentery and morning sickness.
(Roseheart radish; Red meat radish) It is totally the opposite of a typical radish: the outside is white and the inside is red! The outside colour starts out green but turns a bright white as the radishes mature.
The main culinary varieties popular with onions for poultry stuffing and for flavouring rich meats like pork or duck. Sage tea gargle is valuable for sore throat. Contains up to 2.5% essential oil; yields up to 3 tonnes/ha (1.2 ton/acre).
Used by the Aztecs as a hallucinogen in religious ceremonies. Lovely fast growing vine with dark sky-blue flowers. Ideal for walls, trellises or tall fences.