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Vegetable Plants Tomato Plants For Sale In Miramar

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Plant-Red Robin Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
  • Hybrid Variety: Yes
Plant-Indigo™ Rose Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

Sorry, we cannot guarantee orders for which we are given an incorrect address. Anthocyanin reveals itself in the vibrant indigo pigmentation of the fruits. For the best shipping value, order any combination of 6 plants.
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Plant-Red Racer Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

We reserve the right to alter the shipping dates due to weather. Water the pots and place them in a partially sunny location. Ships first half of April-Order Must Be Received By: March 1 Ships last half of April-Order Must Be Received By: March 15 Ships...
  • Hybrid Variety: Yes
Plant-Tasti-Lee Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

When you order our transplants, you will receive the same quality and selection that our customers have learned to expect at our retail store. If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container.
  • Hybrid Variety: Yes
Plant-Jersey Devil Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Plant-Chocolate Cherry Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Plant-Montesino Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

Remember, plants are living things and don't always follow schedules!. If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. We reserve the right to alter the shipping dates due to weather.
  • Hybrid Variety: Yes
Plant-Mortgage Lifter Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Plant-Green Zebra Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Plant-Stupice Tomato
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

Remember, plants are living things and don't always follow schedules!. If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. We reserve the right to alter the shipping dates due to weather.
  • Open Pollinated: Yes
Tomato, Jersey Boy Hybrid
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / 3 Plants

We call it “Supertomato.” Superfragrant. Superproductive. Fruits brilliantly joins together ‘Brandywine's sublime sweet-sour tang with ‘Rutgers' classic rich color, shapeliness, yield and performance.

36-40 inches

    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Spread: 36-40 inches
    • Height: 36-40 inches
    • Thin: 6 inches
    • Type: Beefsteak
    • Sun: Full Sun
    Tomato, Thessaloniki
    Prices start at : 2.39 USD / 1 Pkt. (30 Seeds)

    Bred in Greece, when this variety was introduced in the U.S. in the 1950s, its flavor and high-quality fruits made it an instant hit. Resistant to sunburn, cracks and spots, Thessaloniki's fruits last a long time on the vine when ripe.
    • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
    • Thin: 6 inches
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Height: 48-60 inches
    • Sun: Full Sun
    • Type: Beefsteak
    Tomato, Tye-Dye Hybrid
    Prices start at : 3.59 USD / 3 Plants

    One flavor-full, color-full, beautiful tomato. Fruits, miraculously marbled with red streaks, are lusciously sweet, mild and non-acidic. This breakthrough bicolor gold and red hybrid delivers all the heirloom flavor of Big Rainbow, Pineapple and Georgia...
    • Sun: Full Sun
    • Thin: 36 inches
    • Height: 40-48 inches
    • Spread: 18 inches
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Type: Slicer
    Plant-Chocolate Sprinkles Tomato
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

    Because of the different growth rates of some of the varieties, you may see a difference in sizes. Include a physical street address because plants are shipped Fedex. Overall Rating:.
    • Hybrid Variety: Yes
    Martha Washington - (F1) Tomato Seed
    Prices start at : 2.00 USD / Packet

    Select resistant varieties. If possible, avoid setting out unprotected plants until night temperatures are over 45°F (7°C). Fungicides can reduce certain diseases when properly selected and applied.Fully vine-ripen fruit only for local retailing or...
    •  Good for Trellising
    •  Bred by Johnny's
    • Days To Maturity: 78 Days
    • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
    Tomato, Brandywine Red Organic
    Prices start at : 4.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (100 seeds)

    Flavorful but not acidic, it is a large-lobed, beefsteak-shaped tomato with a thin, pinkish-red skin. Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth Perfect for slicing. Best if staked, caged, or trellised.
    • Days To Maturity: 80-100 days
    • Height: 48-54 inches
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
    • Thin: 36 inches
    • Type: Beefsteak
    Tomato, Druzba
    Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (30 seeds)

    We've never seen such a beautiful heirloom tomato. Perfect for salads, burgers or sandwiches. Indeterminate vines assure a long season of harvest, much larger than other heirloom beefsteaks.
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
    • Type: Beefsteak
    • Spread: 18-24 inches
    • Days To Maturity: 80 days
    • Sun: Full Sun
    Tiren - (F1) Tomato Seed
    Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Packet

    For prevention, use young, healthy transplants, avoid overhead irrigation, plow in tomato plant refuse in the fall, rotate crops, and do not handle tobacco or smoke before handling plants.
    • Disease Resistance Codes: Tomato Mosaic Virus, Fusarium Wilt (Race 1), Verticillium Wilt
    • Growth Habit: Indeterminate
    • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
    • Hybrid Status: Hybrid (F1)
    • Johnny's Exclusive: Yes
    Tomato, Pruden\'s Purple
    Prices start at : 2.39 USD / 1 Pkt. (30 Seeds)

    Often favorably compared with the illustrious Brandywine, the gold standard of heirloom tomatoes. Indeterminate potato-leaf plants. With dark pinkish-purple skin, this widely adapted heirloom produces large, slightly flattened 1 lb.
    • Height: 48-60 inches
    • Spread: 36-48 inches
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Thin: 6 inches
    • Sun: Full Sun
    • Fruit Weight: 1 pounds
    Tomato, Red Currant
    Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (60 Seeds)

    Perfect for salads and crudites, these tiny 1/2" round, red fruits are notable for their strong, sweet-tart flavor and firm, juicy texture. High-yielding indeterminate plants bear large trusses of clusters of fruit, making harvesting easier.
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Sun: Full Sun
    • Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
    • Days To Maturity: 65-70 days
    • Type: Cherry
    • Fruit Weight: 1 ounces
    Tomato, Red Zebra
    Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (30 seeds)

    The bountiful, high-yielding indeterminate vines are ready to harvest about 75-90 days from transplant. The beautiful and tartly flavored offspring are gorgeous 2 to 3", round cherry-red fruits with rich orange streaks.
    • Thin: 6 inches
    • Sun: Full Sun
    • Type: Saladette
    • Days To Maturity: 75-90 days
    • Height: 48-60 inches
    • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
    Glacier - Organic Tomato Seed
    Prices start at : 4.45 USD / Packet

    Root-bound, leggy plants that have open flowers or fruit when planted out may remain stunted and produce poorly. For prevention, use young, healthy transplants, avoid overhead irrigation, plow in tomato plant refuse in the fall, rotate crops, and do not...
    • Heirloom: Yes
    • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
    • Days To Maturity: 55 Days
    Plant-Brandywine Tomato
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

    If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
    • Open Pollinated: Yes
    Tomato, Quarter Century
    Prices start at : 2.39 USD / 1 Pkt. (50 Seeds)

    In 1901, Burpee introduced this mild, flavorful, all-purpose heirloom tomato. Ready for salads or sauces, the delectable fruits range in size from10 to 12 oz. Disease-resistant and heat-tolerant.
    • Thin: 48 inches
    • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
    • Fruit Weight: 10-12 ounces
    • Type: Beefsteak
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Spread: 36-48 inches
    Tomato, Napa Grape Hybrid
    Prices start at : 6.99 USD / 3 Plants

    The elongated, shiny red 1" globes produce in abundance on the vigorous vines. Consistently the top choice in our summer taste tests, Napa maintains a higher sugar content than any other grape tomato-and the sweetness doesn't fade in late summer.
    • Sow Time: 6-8 weeks BLF
    • Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
    • Type: Grape
    • Sun: Full Sun
    • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
    • Thin: 36 inches
    White Cherry - Organic Tomato Seed
    Prices start at : 3.23 USD / Packet

    If using grafted plants, take care to ensure the graft union is not touching soil. For earliest crops, set plants out around the last frost date under floating row covers, which will protect from frost to about 28°F (-2°C).
    • Good for Trellising: Yes
    • Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
    • Life Cycle: Annual
    • Hybrid Status: Open Pollinated
    Plant-Caiman Tomato
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / Sold Out

    If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container. Choose a Ship Code. If your shipment is not complete, please refer to your invoice for information regarding backorders or product that is sold out for the...
    • Hybrid Variety: Yes