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Vaccines Horse Supplies For Sale In United States

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Prestige (EHV-1 + EHV-4) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 143.95 USD / each

Provides protection against respiratory form of rhinopneumonitis. Revaccinate annually. Give IM and repeat in 4-6 weeks; foals should receive a booster dose in 6 months.
United States
Equine Coli Endotox (E. coli) Equine Vaccine
Price : CALL

Administer contents of syringe (10 ml) orally to each foal within 12 hours after birth. For use in the prevention of endotoxemia and diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli in newborn foals.
United States
Flu Avert I.N. (Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 159.95 USD / each

*Do not use in pregnant mares. Flu Avert vaccine is a proprietary “modified live” virus given intranasally. Unlike traditional killed vaccines that are given I.M., Flu Avert is administered without a needle and causes no swelling or muscle soreness.
United States
Prestige 2 (Rhino + Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 22.49 USD / each

Prestige 2 (Rhino + Flu) provides protection against respiratory form of rhinopneumonitis and influenza. Booster annually. Administer 1 ml IM; repeat in 4-6 weeks.
United States
Equi-Jec 2 (Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.19 USD / each

Killed vaccine. Give a third dose 3 to 4 weeks after the second dose. Safe for use in pregnant mares. Equi-Jec 2 protects horses 6 months of age or older against respiratory disease caused by influenza virus (types A2 North American and A2 Eurasian) and...
United States
Endovac-Equi with ImmunePlus Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 74.95 USD / each

Local swelling and tenderness at the injection site may occur with the use of this vaccine. Do not vaccinate horses recently administered progesterone or steroids. Do not vaccinate a horse with a history of laminitis or following a recent episode of acute...
United States
Rhinomune (EHV-1) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 87.95 USD / each

Revaccination every 3 months with a single dose is recommended. Requires mixing; cannot be stored after mixing. Attenuated live virus for use in healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of infections of rhinopneumonitis.
United States
Lepto EQ Innovator (Leptospira Pomona) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 229.95 USD / each

Lepto EQ Innovator is used to aid in the prevention of leptospirosis caused by Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona in horses 6 months of age and older. Booster annually with a single dose.
United States
Vetera 2XP (Rhino + Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / each

Duration of immunity has been demonstrated for at least 6 months against OH/03. Vetera 2XP aids in the reduction of respiratory disease and shedding caused by A2 Equine Influenza virus.
United States
Botvax-B Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 96.95 USD / each

For prevention of equine botulism due to Cl. botulinum Type B. Booster annually with a single 2 ml dose. Inject 2 ml IM at monthly intervals for a total of 3 doses.
United States
Vetera EHV-XP 1/4 (Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Vetera EHV-XP 1/4 (Rhino) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against the respiratory form of rhinopneumonitis (Equine Herpesvirus types EHV-1 and EHV-4). Give a 1 ml IM booster annually and prior to anticipated exposure.
United States
Prestige 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / each

Prestige 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine is for vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis, rhinopneumonitis (EHV-1 and EHV-4), influenza, plus tetanus.
United States
Vetera 6XP (3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / each

Duration of immunity has been demonstrated for at least 6 months against OH/03. Vetera 6XP aids in the reduction of respiratory disease and shedding caused by A2 Equine Influenza virus.
United States
Prestige 5 + VEE (3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 30.95 USD / each

Prestige 5 + VEE (3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern, Western and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis, equine influenza types A1, A2, tetanus, and rhinopneumonitis (EHV-1 and EHV-4).
United States
Potomavac Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

Give 1 ml IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Order syringes and needles separately. Potomavac is for the vaccination of healthy horses, 3 months of age or older, against Potomac Horse Fever caused by E.
United States
Equine Potomavac + Imrab Rabies Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 126.95 USD / each

Give 1 ml intramuscularly to horses 3 months of age or older. Order syringes and needles separately. In addition, some local laws require that a licensed veterinarian administer Rabies vaccine.
United States
Vetera Gold XP (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

Vetera Gold XP (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tetanus + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis, rhinopneumonitis (Equine Herpesvirus types EHV-1 and EHV-4), influenza...
United States
Prestige Prodigy (EHV-1) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / each

Killed equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine to aid in the prevention of abortions , respiratory disease due to EHV-1. Give 2 ml dose IM at 5th, 7th and 9th month of gestation. 99% reaction free.
United States
Vetera EWT (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 15.79 USD / each

Vetera EWT (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tetanus) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis and tetanus. Give a 1 ml IM booster annually and prior to anticipated exposure.
United States
Vetera Gold XP + VEE (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 67.99 USD / each

Vetera Gold XP + VEE (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tetanus + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis, rhinopneumonitis (Equine Herpesvirus types EHV-1 and...
United States
Vetera 5XP (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 38.95 USD / each

Duration of immunity has been demonstrated for at least 6 months against OH/03. Vetera 5XP aids in the reduction of respiratory disease and shedding caused by A2 Equine Influenza virus.
United States
Vetera VEWT + WNV (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 43.95 USD / each

Vetera VEWT + WNV (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by Eastern, Western and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, tetanus,...
United States
Encevac-T (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 10.69 USD / each

Dosage: 1 ml IM repeated 3 to 4 weeks later and once annually thereafter. Encevac-T (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine is for vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis and tetanus.
United States
Prestige 4 (2-way Sleeping Sickness+ Tet + Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 17.29 USD / each

Prestige 4 (2-way Sleeping Sickness+ Tet + Flu) Equine Vaccine is for vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis, tetanus and influenza type A2. Booster annually.
United States
Vetera EWT + WNV (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 40.95 USD / each

Vetera EWT + WNV (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, tetanus, and viremia...
United States
Prestige 3 + WNV Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 29.29 USD / each

Revaccinate annually with a single 1 ml dose. Killed vaccine. (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tetanus) Prestige 3 + WNV equine vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses 6 months of age or older against Equine Encephalomyelitis Viruses (Eastern...
United States
Equi-Jec 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 26.99 USD / each

Give 1 ml IM; repeat in 3 to 4 weeks using a different injection site. Safe for use in pregnant mares. Equi-Jec 5 is an aid in the prevention of disease caused by Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis and tetanus; and as an aid in the reduction...
United States