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Utility Trailer Hardware

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Upgrade Your Hay Wagon For Ease Of Use & Other Benefits
Its one of the farm tools for which I'm most thankful . Once the posts were in place, I installed guard rails running along the sides of the wagon. Adding sides to the hay wagon has offered other unforeseen benefits.
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
John Hall, director of corporate communications at Featherlite says it is important to consider safety features when shopping. Know Vehicle Rating Before Choosing Trailer When talking to truck or trailer dealers, you start to hear them discuss a variety...
The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
If you're fond of DIY projects, this isn't a big deal, but be prepared to spend an hour or two on the assembly process. A small cart can't absorb rough terrain the same way that a larger trailers or wagons can, so if you transport a large load (such as...
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
DR Power Equipment Brush Mower DR Power Equipment's PRO-26 Field and Brush Mower's disc brake system provides power-steering functionality. Tractor Supply Co. This story originally appeared in the January/February 2018 issue of Hobby Farms.
Storm Debris: Clean It Up Soon & Use the Right Tools
Handling the larger pieces of the tree is the easy part—dealing with the smaller bits of debris can arguably be a bigger challenge. Next, grab your chainsaw (and maybe a pair of pruning loppers) and start cutting the tree into manageable pieces, focusing...
Essential Tools & Equipment for the Small Farm
They are perfectly sized for moving a bale of hay or a few 50-pound bags of feed. Out comes the saw and drill. Prices start at less than $100 and continue to around $300 or $400 depending on capacity and construction.
14 Trailer Safety Tips
Use a snap hook or carabineer to prevent accidental opening. Drive safely, allow for greater braking distance, and travel at slower speeds.Cole says driver inattention (i.e., talking on cell phone, texting, messing with the radio) and driving too fast...
Harvesting Tools
To use it, the operator clamps the aluminum fruit holders on a single piece of fruit and twists it off by rotating the pole in her hands. Fruit Pickers If you need to pick fruit from trees instead of off the ground, there are multiple tools designed to...
Landscaping Ideas To Hide Utility Boxes: Tips On Hiding Utility Boxes With Plants
The best you can do is try to live in harmony with them. The very first thing you need to do when landscaping around utility boxes is call the company that installed it.These boxes are serious business, and there are often restrictions about what you...
Names of Farm Equipment
Expected Price: If you're handy with tools, you can build your own wagon using mostly found materials for a few hundred dollars. There are wagons at many levels in between, too, and numerous uses for wagons aside from hauling hay .
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
Sprayer : With a pump that draws off the engine, power sprayers anchored in the bed of a ute can spray herbicides, liquid fertilizer, or other agricultural chemicals much more quickly and evenly than a backpack sprayer.
Use Online Classified Sites to Stay Within Your Farm Equipment Budget
It's a good idea to take the time to list the things you need, the things you want and the things that would enable you to do something new. If you're new to the farm and garden section, you might be surprised by the amount of livestock for sale on there,...
4 Tips For Loading Pigs Into A Trailer
It took fuss—too much fuss. Livestock trailers are built to contain animals, and allowing the pigs a night to acclimate to the trailer generally results in calmer pigs when you arrive at the processor and need to coax them into a holding pen.
Making an Olla, Utilizing Ancient Technology in the Garden!
The glue I used foams a bit, that way I know it's working, and it fills in the uneven areas around the two pots.Leave your Olla to dry for a day or two. Tape the pots together after gluing.
El Segundo
How Do I Repair Cracked Welds?
Welding wire: 4043 is a silicon alloy, which eases welding with good control of the weld puddle. Aluminum trailers come in all shapes and sizes for use around the hobby farm. Spray transfer is a process used when MIG welding aluminum that is 1/4 inch...
Growing The Blue Flag Iris
When we first moved into our house, I ordered a package of about 50 different varieties. It's worth growing a family of them for yourself, as they are daily losing habitat. It likes to have its feet wet year-round and can be found in meadows or along...
10 Uses for an ATV or UTV on Your Farm
Catching Calves If you want to simplify the process of catching young cattle for tagging, vaccinating and so on, your ATV or UTV might be able to help. Using a specially designed attachment—essentially a large, side-mounted metal enclosure with user-controlled...
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I took pictures of price labels when I comparison shopped for birdseed (safflower, at Lowe's, six pounds for nine dollars.) I have a picture of a bag of granular, insect repellent yard treatment, which I might research or purchase later.
El Segundo
Traveling with Livestock
If it's cold or wet, wrap the top, front and sides with a plastic tarp; tie it securely so it doesn't flap. If you make your own truck-bed hauler, make it stout! And always add a roof—you'd be surprised how high we can jump when we're afraid.
Cover Crop Tips For Your Garden: How To Plant & Use Green Manures
Essentially, cover crops are non-productive plants grown when the ground would be otherwise fallow and free of crops. These types of cover crops are planted late in the season, after the primary vegetable crop has been harvested.
Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms
You'll be charmed by their unique beauty!Move your mouse over images and links for more information.Thanks to begoniacrazii, M3rma1d, and Hilbilly_Gran for their photos of 'Teeny Bopper'.
El Segundo
Trees Beneath Power Lines: Should You Be Planting Trees Around Power Lines
Continue reading to learn about planting trees beneath power lines.As mentioned, 25-45 feet is usually the height utility companies trim tree branches to allow for power lines. The average state spends about $30 million a year trimming trees away from...
Trailing African Violets: Grooming, Pruning and Propagating
You'll end up will fuller foliage than before, as well as a bounty of blooms.Flower stalks originate near an African violet's crown, so the more crowns on your trailer the greater its bloom potential.Trailing African violets often go through an awkward...
El Segundo
Gardening Tips to Make Life Easier
In no time, they'll be crawling up and all over the stuff. For Morning Glories and other annual climbers--when fall comes and you're ready to clean up, just pull the whole thing up and off the wall and put it in the burn pile.
El Segundo
The Hardy Honeysuckle Vines
All climb by twining stems and will require supports to look their best. Whether you want colourful blooms, fragrant flowers or simply want to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden, these honeysuckles will help fit the bill.
El Segundo
School to Train New York Farmers
“Taqwa Community Farm in the Bronx is the type of urban farm that we want to invest in and replicate,” Berger says. Farm-based Learning Farm School NYC will offer academic education and hands-on field experience for aspiring urban farmers.
Pear Bread
Cool briefly before removing from pans. Pour into one greased loaf pan, 2 smaller loaf pans or a muffin tin. A small loaf is an edible and welcome gift for a hostess or a seasonal breakfast treat for guests.