(Pitcher sage; Blue sage; Kansas sage) Tall azure-blue sage of the American prairies with aromatic, astringent, and tonic properties. It was once used for fever and malaria. Ht. 90-120cm/3-4ft.
Source of commercial chocolate substitute used in making health food candy bars. Handsome dark green leaves; fine specimen plant for sunny window or greenhouse. Germination is slow and sporadic.
Purplish red leaves; preferred variety for pickling. Cinnamon-scented leaves are popular in Japan for flavouring raw fish, bean curd, pickles and tempura. Also used to give scarlet colour to pickled plums and preserved ginger.
(Butterfly weed) Bright orange-red flowers are worthy of attention as an ornamental. Roots act specifically on the lungs as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory. Valuable for all chest complaints, including pleurisy.
Provides cover and food for wildlife. It can reach up to seven feet tall and is a common species of the Tallgrass Prairie. The beautiful, plume-like seed heads are very ornamental.
Specific charges will be displayed during checkout.Shipments to Canada require a phytosanitary certificate, which includes a $125.00 fee (rates subject to change), and cannot be processed online.
Bitter fruits are used in Indian curries. Root is an expectorant; used in Ayurvedic medicine for for cough, asthma, chest pain. Also used for flatulence, sore throat, and toothache.
Also useful for diarrhea and in obstetics to reposition the fetus before birth. Major), having the same broad leaves. Seeds are used to promote urination and to clear heat. Specially noted for correcting eye problems caused by deficient liver and kidneys...
(Money plant) Curiously, it symbolizes both honesty and money. When dried its silver dollar-like seed pods make attractive winter decorations. Edible leaves can be added to salads.
- Transport lock on conveyor for safety - 3 piece telescoping downspout with end variable flow controls - 17 locking positions on conveyor - Enclosed belt on return of conveyor - 18" wide catwalk with side ladder access - (2) 145 unit poly tanks with...
Considered a ‘life medicine' by the Navajo people who have used it for menstrual pain, stomach ache, wounds, swellings and coughs. Brilliant red tubular flowers. Prefers sandy or gravelly soil on a slope.
Native Americans traditionally burn dried leaves and stems in homes and sweatlodges to purify the air. But the traditional use of sagebrush internally must have been carefully limited because the plant oils are known to be toxic to the liver if taken...
A most attractive form of bush basil with larger leaves (1 cm) and uniform dense globular little bushes. Plants tend to be a little stronger and more uniform than other bush varieties.
Stems are weak so will benefit from being seeded with 1_-2 bushels of oats per acre. Peas smother weeds better than spring-sown clover. 2,600 seeds/lb.http://www.johnnyseeds.com/farm-seed/legumes/field-peas/field-peas-maxum-cover-crop-seed-2340.30.htmlThis...
Strong flavour and scent. Dark purple with little or no green colouration, much like the Dark Opal variety was before it deteriorated to greenish-purple. Medium sized leaves. Growth is stronger, more upright than Rubin.
(Fennel flower; Russian caraway; Black caraway) Commonly featured in Indian dhals and equally at home in Russian rye bread! Aromatic black seeds resemble fennel in aroma and taste something like peppery nutmeg.
A truly delightful tea made from the dried leaves is our favourite anytime tea as it both stimulates the heart and calms the nerves. Fresh chopped leaves are also interesting in salads, soups and stews.
Needs plant support. Beans will grow from 60cm/2ft-90cm/3ft long but pick them when they're tender (40cm/16in long). Excellent stir fried. Best started early indoors. (Yard long bean; Dow gauk) Stringless bean with a mildly sweet flavour.
You can get 60% of your omega-3 fatty acids from chia seeds. Get all the fiber you need by eating chia. Order yours today! Two tablespoons of these seeds are loaded with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.