Barkant turnips are an improved, early maturing, diploid turnip with a large purple tankard shaped bulb. Turnips have a high leaf to stem ratio and and provide very high concentrations of protein, sugar content and leaf yields.
(Red root) Used as a tea substitute during the American Revolution. Indians made a wash for skin problems including skin cancer and venereal sores. A good gargle for mouth and throat sores.
(Spilanthes; Australian cress) Leaves have a mild numbing effect and are useful for toothaches. Also used as an antibiotic against candida. The fresh leaves are edible and are eaten like cress.
Variety commonly sold as peppermint or spearmint. Flavour and odour is pungent, not sweet like the true root-propagated strains. Useful for tea, for medicinal purposes.
Native to India and cultivated extensively in southeast Asia as well, the seeds are similar to caraway. Thought to have a carminative and anti-spasmodic effect, ajmud is traditionally used against intestinal upset, asthma and bronchitis.
Amerindians once burned dried stems over skin to relieve neuralgia and rheumatism. Research evidence suggests that contains compounds that can lower blood cholesterol. Very robust and tall, with rigid stems; Lespedeza blooms late in the growing season,...
Large single white trumpet-like flowers are fragrant at night. Angels trumpets are popular in containers for the patio, balcony or deck. They are also used externally in the form of poultices or ointments for the treatment of aches, pains, arthritis,...
Sowing successively every ten days will produce a regular supply of tasty salad greens. Sow in early spring or late summer. Mesclun is commonly defined as a mixture of salad greens.
The young leaves and petals can be added to salads. Trouble-free, with few pests or diseases, it is an excellent choice for mixed borders in a well-drained location with sun or part shade.
Good summer green performing best in hot weather. Tender green leaves. Succulent leaves are popular in France for salads, cooked greens or in soups. Much improved over its wild relative.
Great straw strength and a high test weight. Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression
Compact variety with leaves larger than bush basil but not as large as Genovese. Excellent for potplant production, reaching only 30-35cm (12-14”) high. ‘Medinette' is slow to bolt, especially in hot conditions, and because of this trait it is often...
For years we have carried ‘Lemon Catnip' and while it had a perceptable hint of lemon, it never quite lived up to its name. Finally, here is a lemon catnip that truly smells of lemons.
Requires a cold period (4-5 weeks at 5°C/40°F) or 24 hours in 40-70 ppm gibberellic acid for success. Difficult to germinate: viability is usually quite low, never exceeding 40%.
Sow every 14 days indoors or out for a continuous supply of fresh leaves. Ready to use when seedlings have 3 or 4 leaves. Delightful companion to mustard cress #4150.
Ready for harvest in 28 to 80 days depending on the season. Excellent choice for fresh cilantro. Tolerates summer heat well and is bolt-resistant. This variety is also used for sprouting.
The flowers of this variety have rose-colored petals and a crimson eye. It was the All America Selections winner in 1948. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
For grain production, sow seeds in spring. Specific charges will be displayed during checkout.Shipments to Canada require a phytosanitary certificate, which includes a $125.00 fee (rates subject to change), and cannot be processed online.
Usually taken in combination with with coriander to prevent cramps. Ht. 1-1.8 m/3-6 ft. Effective laxative much in use by American herbalists. Also used to expel worms and for fevers.