Height 30-60cm/1-2ft. Herbalists have long extolled the beneficial effects of pickled samphire on the digestive system. Does best in sandy or gravelly soil. Succulent leaves are delicious boiled with salt and pickled in vinegar and spices.
Popular seasoning herb preferred over winter savory for its delicate flavour. Summer savory is annual, unlike the perennial winter variety, and hence is easier and quicker to raise from seed.
Cooked like regular spinach. Unlike ordinary spinach, its spreading branches produce succulent leaves and stemtips of very fine flavour throughout the season, long after all other varieties finish.
Sow in spring to summer at 1/2 lb./1,000 sq.ft. Excellent conditioner for poor and thin soils. Can produce as much as 170 lb. Sweet clover is slow to establish the first year and may have some winter kill without adequate snow cover.
Borage, Calendula, Heartsease, Nasturtium, Citrus Marigold. Herbs with edible flowers to add to salads, omelettes, desserts, and drinks. Feast for the eyes -- pleasing to the palate.
Flowers and stems are used to produce greenish-yellow and olive dyes. Infusion of the dried tops is recommended for dropsy as well as bladder and kidney diseases. Restores normal rhythm to feeble, irregular heartbeat but large doses cause respiratory...
Dwarf variety 75cm/30”. The famous dessert melon of the tropics. Both the fruits and leaves are high in papain, an enzyme that aids digestion and is used in meat tenderizer.
Produce pods that are six to seven inches long and purple. One of the most popular varieties preferred by Southerners. If using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant.
Leaves are a light golden colour. Good summer green performing best in hot weather. Succulent leaves are popular in France for salads, cooked greens or in soups. Much improved over its wild relative.
Excellent beeplant. It has naturalized and grows wild in some Canadian provinces and central and Eastern U.S. states, preferring hillsides and rocky locales. An unusual and potentially breathtaking component in a mixed border, herb garden, or rock garden,...
Fennel tea is given to infants for its calming and anti-flatulent effects. Chopped leaves are excellent with oily fish, such as mackerel, eel and salmon, for they improve digestibility.
Leaves used by Hopi Indians to flavour wild game. Attractive native of the American southwest with pink-purple flowers. Young foliage is strongly lemon-scented and excellent in tea.
Can be milled into flour. Ancient Aztec food grain. Its vibrant burgundy colour is ideal for edible landscaping. Delicious cooked as a hot cereal or popped like popcorn. Protein content is higher than that of wheat, rice, and corn.High in the essential...
Garden performance is superior to other varieties, with well-branched plants, 16 to 18″ tall. Maverick produces wonderful orange blooms! The Maverick Hybrid Geranium is a more vigorous plant with bigger 5-6″ flower heads! This is the best Geranium...
Excellent for colds and coughs. Root tea stops catarrh and acts to expel phlegm. Charming European yellow wildflower similar to cowslip but larger. Attracts butterflies.
Twining annual found throughout India. D4115 Infosheet: free on request with order. Seeds are a natural storehouse of L-dopa, a precursor of the neural transmitter, dopamine. Grown for pods and young leaves used as vegetable and fodder.
Excellent cut flower with colours in the yellow, orange and gold range. (African marigold) Although better known by the misnomer, ‘African marigold', this Central American annual is a popular bedding plant available in many ornamental hybrid forms.
Fruits are dark green maturing to red. Named after Yolo County in California where the Campbell Soup Company introduced this bell pepper in 1952. Still a reliable producer today. It quickly became popular among growers because of its improved resistance...
The chemical p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate in maca is thought to be responsible for its aphrodisiac quality, however clinical tests have not yet identified the exact mechanism by which it produces this effect.
Inter-seeds well with grass. Winter annual protects and improves soil! Plant fall or early spring. A great way to ready your vegetable garden for the spring or beautify a landscape! Also a great way to attract bees! Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken...