Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. You can use these as green shell peas or dry like winter beans. This pea plant is high yielding, vigorous and easy to grow.
It grows quickly at heights up to 7 feet. Piper Sudan grass is a great catch crop for excess nitrogen. Uses: Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression
If using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. The bush-type plants are prolific and thrive in hotter, Southern weather.
* Seed germination appears to be dependent on about a 2-week period of moistened seed at a time when soil temperatures have reached 60 degrees Fahrenheit. * Big bluestem is tolerant of a wide range of soils and moisture.
Tends to stay off the ground and cluster making for easy picking. Cowpeas are great for drying and canning. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. Bush type cowpea producing heavy yields of purple pods.
Long podded variety with 13-16 peas per pod, light tan in color, oblong shape, good garden variety. Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. A high yielding, popular Southern Pea that is great for home gardens.
Quick growing green manure. Uses: Erosion prevention, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter, Weed Suppresion The oats stay green into November and form a mulched bed for spring planting.
Birds such as the yellow-billed magpie consume the fruits. * Many types of animal use this plant for food, especially in the early spring, when it is one of the first plants to bear leaves.
Recommended for meadow and prairie plantings, beds & borders, and as a component of forage mixes for livestock and wildlife. Sideoats Grama is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout much of North America.
) is a species of honeysuckle native to mountain forests of Central and Southern Europe , sometimes cultivated as ornamental plant outside its native range. * Alpine Honeysuckle ( Lonicera alpigena L.
The inflorescence is a panicle with up to 6 branches. * The seeds provide food for birds. The paired spikelets are generally oval in shape and measure a few millimeters long. * This rhizomatous perennial grass has stems which can exceed two meters in...
Manchurian Ash can be used as a medium height wind break for a farmstead. * This tree is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental tree in parts of Canada and the United States. * The seeds are eaten by a wide variety of birds.
The beautiful, plume-like seed heads are very ornamental. It can reach up to seven feet tall and is a common species of the Tallgrass Prairie. Provides cover and food for wildlife.
Maybe used up to day of harvest; little or no residue. Active ingredient: Bacillus amyloliquefacens D747. Even effective on stubborn verticillium wilt! Approved by the National Organic Program (NOP) for both indoor and outdoor use.
Try with for maximum Nitrogen fixation. Excellent cowpea for canning, freezing or drying. Dimpled Brown Crowder Cowpea is a prolific yielder with pods that contain 12-15 peas, closely bunched together.
* The leaves are astringent. Used as a substitute for China tea, especially by people living at high elevations in the Himalayas. * A tea is made from the dried leaves. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of indigestion.
* The straight woody shoots produced by the plant can be used as prods, skewers or arrows. A non-drying oil is also obtained from the pericarp, it is used for lighting. * The seed contains 45% of a non-drying oil, it is used in soap making and lighting.
* It bears plentiful clusters of fuzzy white flowers and bluish-white berries. This is a large shrub or thicket-forming bush with bright green leaves which turn red in fall. * Gray-green branches; flowers in late spring; fruit white or bluish; native...
Genus: Cornus
Common Name: Brown Dogwood, Smooth Dogwood, Western Cornel
Birds such as the yellow-billed magpie consume the fruits. * Many types of animal use this plant for food, especially in the early spring, when it is one of the first plants to bear leaves.
Defend against cicadas, june bugs, Japanese beetles and wasps. 8' x 16' polypropylene nets, 1/6" mesh. Large enough to protect a young tree or shield a small outdoor area, wherever it's needed.
Helps suppress and control diseases like brown rot blossom blight, downy and powdery mildew, peach leaf curl, fireblight, rust, leaf spot, and more — for fruit trees, berry plants and vines, vegetables, and flowers.
* The American Turkey Oak ( Quercus laevis ) is a member of the red oak group of oaks . It is native to the southeastern United States , occurring on the coastal plain from Delaware south to central Florida , and west to southeast Louisiana .
* Carya aquatica ( Bitter pecan or Water hickory ) is a large tree, that can grow over 30 meters tall of the Juglandaceae or walnut family. * The wood is heavy and close grained but soft and brittle, which limits its use.
* This plant is tolerant of high levels of aluminum in soils. * The grass is not considered a good forage for livestock because it is low in nutrients. It tolerates acid soils and thin, infertile soils.
Hardy to zone 8. Source of the richly delicious pine nuts used in pestos and other Mediterranean dishes. Attractive potplant; grows well in pots, but will not produce pine nuts unless grown where it can reach mature size.
The flowers can range from pink to white. * A low-growing, spreading shrub with shiny dark green leaves, reddish purple in fall; pink flowers followed by bright red fruit beginning in August; good substantial ground cover.
Common Name: Rock Cotoneaster, Rockspray Cotoneaster