What's in the hay you feed your livestock? Learn more about the quality of the hay you feed your livestock. Learn more about the quality of hay you feed your animals. Download a copy of Carol Ekarius's hay analysis charts>> Like our free downloads ?
Fill one planter with this mixture and another with pure potting soil. Fill the middle of the square with all the materials to compost. Grow the beans until they have two or three true leaves.
This fern is invasive, which makes it excellent for ground coverage, but because of its hardiness, you will not want to plant this with weaker growing plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });.
Not only is the design perfect for haying, it also makes the wagon more ideal for other projects, including one of my favorites— cutting down invading trees and hauling away the debris.
Second gear is generally used for plowing so it's the gear most likely to be troublesome if things are wrong; consider transmission whine (in second gear) a red alert. Before even considering plunking down money for the rig, you should have a mechanic...
According to the most recent Kentucky Weekly Crop and Weather Report, about 90 percent of the state's pastureland was rated either poor or very poor. You can get assistance determining these calculations from your county extension agent for agriculture...
Sheep and goats , by nature, prefer green over dead and leaf over stem. Sometimes nature gets the better of us and impedes our ability to stock up on hay to feed our livestock during the winter.
This is especially good for seeds and starter plants. It is dry and hollow and there is no nutrition left in it. There is no need to till the soil or enrich it with topsoil. It soaks up water and remains moist, which may seem a little unsanitary.
In a couple of years the bales will naturally erode and will no longer be needed.Hay is set out in fields for cows, horses or other grazing livestock as a food to help sustain the animals over the winter.
Alfalfa in particular can be tricky to cut at the right time of year. For large infestations of alfalfa weevils, which can destroy an entire crop of alfalfa, spraying with insecticides may be necessary, although another solution is to cut the hay earlier...
For gardeners with a tired back or stiff knees, a hay-bale plot virtually eliminates bending and stooping: There is no soil to dig, and it requires very little weeding. A garden you plant in hay will require constant weeding.
One summer, the tongue broke in half the day before a major day of haying. Dating back to at least the 1950s if not earlier—this model was manufactured for many years—the 594 is described as a “side delivery” rake and differs from other rakes.
When grasses grow in higher-than-normal moisture environments, they tend to absorb more water. The second factor affecting grass nutrient content is the amount of water present in the grass, Mauldin says.
For growers to get the most for their money–and from their fields, a Purdue University expert recommends getting a soil test–and an excellent time to do that is now. Keith Johnson, Purdue Extension forage specialist, predicts that demand for hay will...
You could cut it yourself, rake it yourself , bale it yourself and stack it in the barn yourself, no help required. Have Adequate Help In theory, with machines a single person can bay hale.
More free Hobby Farms downloads About the Author Dennis Acevedo is a computer programmer in Lexington, Ky., and a regular behind-the-scenes contributor to HF. Learn how to build your own hay feeder.
Water as needed to keep the bales moist throughout the growing season. Water the bales daily for three days to keep them damp, thereby encouraging the decomposition process.Sprinkle half a cup of blood meal on each bale and water it in each day for days...
But did you know there was a rose named in Helen Hayes' honor? Once the rose garden is complete all the research, planning and hard work will be worth the effort.Helen Hayes, the woman.
The small size of the square bales makes it easy for you to stack and store them to maintain quality, and it makes it easy for you to feed them at more frequent intervals. This is especially true if you're feeding more than one day's worth at a time.
Thanks to an ideal blend of warm weather and frequent rainfall, hay season has arrived on my northern Wisconsin farm, which means lots of watching the sky and checking the weather while looking for the perfect time to “make hay while the sun shines.”...
Get his garden advice in his blog “ Garden In Front .” Tags gardening , Lists They Fit Anywhere As long you have an outdoor location that gets more than six hours of direct sunlight, you can grow a hay bale garden.
It's also a potential source of fire, putting your barn in jeopardy should it ignite. Choose a building on an elevated, well-drained site. Hay can be bundled in three basic ways: Small square bales: Traditional rectangular-shaped, string- or wire-tied...
Alfalfa stems, for example, are woody, serving as structural support for the plant. Moldy hay, or hay that heated excessively after being baled, will usually be heavy, stuck together and dusty.
Fortunately, there are also those for us hobby farmers. These are scaled-down farm implements fabricated of steel and built to resemble full-sized spreaders. Thanks to the continuing evolution of haying equipment, it's possible to do it all yourself.
Usually, discussions of “things to be thankful for” are saved for Thanksgiving season, but hobby farmers across the nation have so many things to be thankful for that we might as well start early! Here are five pieces of equipment that (in my opinion)...
If you live in North America and you're not familiar with lucerne hay, you may know the plant as. Read on to learn more about using lucerne hay as mulch.), a clover-like plant belonging to the pea family, is grown as livestock feed in countries around...
“No feed,” the farmer said. Pigs are apt to turn their snouts up (or, more likely, root around in and play with) hay when first offered it by the well-meaning farmer because, as they rhyme goes, they don't know how to eat it.