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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Now, double the cord from this length. This can be accomplished in a couple of ways. Hang your loop on something to free your hands. You will have three groups of four cords. What you will end up with is one length of cord that is six times longer than...
El Segundo
Cypress Tree Leaf Identification
Among the most common cypress trees that grow in wet regions are the bald cypress and the pond cypress. Valued for their wood and ecological impact, cypress trees have become popular for reforestation efforts in the South, especially around wetland areas.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Zucchini on a Trellis
Learn how easy it is to grow zucchini on a trellis.To grow your zucchini plants, choose a location that is on the northern side of your growing area. It also is easier to watch for disease and pests, because the vines are up off the ground.
Santa Monica
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
The water should always look clear, not cloudy Remembering lucky bamboo's tropical origins, give it a warm and well lit (though not full sun) indoor location. Insect complaints are few but if bugs bother your bamboo, try washing them off with warm soapy...
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
They are ideal for an outdoor display when decorated with simple white twinkle lights and topped with a decorative bow. It was so secure that I could easily pick it up and move it.Next came the task of adding twinkle lights.
El Segundo
Japanese Maples for Small Gardens
It is a dissectum that both grows upward and cascades (picture a tall 'Cousin It', or look at the top photo!) Near it I have ', and in the background is a large blue spruce. Try to avoid locating them near plants that will distract from their show.
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
I tried them for awhile but I continued to shiver.From the north came the words: “Lots of exercise will warm you up.” I already run through my days like a spinning top, but I added to that, and all the time I continued to shiver.A friend from the...
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
Are you, like me, shopping wisely these days? The versatlity and fun of using my smart phone are making it an everyday tool in all my gardening endeavors. A weather forecast, as I stand in the back forty (feet) of the yard debating turning on the sprinkler?
El Segundo
Beauty in the Air: Hanging Basket Gardens
Inexpensive plastic drip baskets are available in most garden centers.Before you start, one important consideration is culture. Outside a window, hanging plants frame structural elements, provide a natural privacy screen, and are attractive viewed from...
El Segundo
Botanical Garden Plant Sales ~ A Shopping Frenzy for Gardeners!
Sponsored by Botanical Gardens, Community Gardens, and local plant societies offer gardeners an opportunity to browse and shop for plants, unique garden ornaments or furniture.are usually organized by their core of volunteers and vendors are chosen by...
El Segundo
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
There was also a nyjer feeder for finches on that pole. Many of them had never seen a hummer at all, never mind up close and personal. They should be cleaned and refilled frequently, especially in hot weather, to keep the nectar from spoiling and mold...
El Segundo
Can a Marigold Be a House Plant?
If you don't have a window that receives full sun, marigolds will also respond well to a grow light.While many people consider marigolds a warm-weather plant, marigolds can be grown indoors year-round.
Santa Monica
The Effects of Bottled Water or Tap Water on Plant Growth
Gardeners must periodically remove these built-up salts by leaching the soil with a large amount of water to remove the salts. Excess salts cause plants problems such as inhibited growth, small new growth, dead roots and wilting of leaves, according to...
Santa Monica
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I set up an inherited 55 gallon aquarium as aforum on Dave's Garden, mainly to boast of my undertaking and to gain some insight on how insane I really was in threads such as ", I found supportive friends who sent me countless African Violet leaves and...
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
Find them at outdoor-sports stores.are a growing part of the plant industry and some gardeners rely on them exclusively. Take a hike with your gardener, collect some acorns, and plant a special memory.A small, inexpensive but mighty jar of rooting hormone...
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Anise seed is also used as flavoring in baked goods, root beer, gum, candies and alcoholic beverages. Fennel, on the other hand, is available in many varieties and is an easy-to-grow biennial/perennial (depending on your variety) having a bulbous base...
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
Nevertheless, gifts received by the gardener will always include items like calendars with a different flower arrangement or garden scene every month and cumbersome books suitable only for the coffee table.I got a pretty calendar last year from my Secret...
El Segundo
How to Grow Honeysuckle in Pots
Honeysuckle vines will tolerate some shade, but thrive in full sun. Growing honeysuckle vines in a pot is an option for gardeners with small spaces. Their hardiness depends on the variety of honeysuckle, but generally the plant is easy to grow and maintain...
Santa Monica
Types of Nectarines
Nectarines come in yellow and white varieties. Successfully growing nectarines depends on choosing varieties adapted to local growing conditions. In freestone varieties, the fruit falls easily away from the stone.
Santa Monica
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
In realty, this was an excellent choice, because the fleshy leaves contain quite a bit of moisture which makes it hard for fire to catch and burn.This plant reproduces by sending out little fleshy runners that produce a baby plant at the end.
El Segundo
My Garden, the Archaeological Site
I thought for sure the romantic side of me would surely win. It was clean up time! Weeds were pulled and old leaves were set aside for the compost heap. Spring brings with her transitions to the garden landscape.
El Segundo
Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
I speak from personal experience.I test my garment with a drop of bleach in a hidden area before I get started. This is a normal chemical reaction, and it won't explode. Spray bleach over the entire item in an even mist.
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
When most of the water has been drained off, the sheet should easily come loose from the deckle if you turn it upside down on a dry towel.Now put your new sheet of decorated paper somewhere to dry.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Zinnia seeds are cheap and they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors.They are one of the easiest plants to start from seeds and they grow so fast that it is somewhat pointless to pay for pricier bedding plants when there is such a short...
El Segundo
Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
Pinch your pancake into a leaf shape, or cut out a serrated leaf shape with a knife or with your toothpick. Gently flatten onto your work surface to make an oval disc, perhaps 2 inches long.
El Segundo
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
Paperwhite bulbs can be so eager to grow that you'll see green leaf tips, and that's OK.Now choose a water-holding container (a vase, a glass bowl, even a large drinking glass) and filler (rocks, marbles or other non absorbent material to support the...
El Segundo
Respect for Small Farmers
Even being a really small farmer is quite alright. Mom-and-Pop operations are numerous and thriving here. I wouldn't want to copy the idiotically criminal Italian political system or the tendency for Italian mothers to do the laundry of their 40-year-old...