Our Associate Brokers and agents have a wealth of practical farm and ranch experience, including agricultural education. If you are in the market for a farm or ranch, our expert team of professionals can provide you with the competent representation you...
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Slogan: Unmatched Performance in Farm and Ranch Sales
With over 32 years farm, ranch, land and business real estate experience, we know what it takes. With over 32 years farm, ranch, land and business experience, we know what it takes.
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The distillation unit comes with TP separator can, electric controls for cold water and includes stand, Bryan natural gas steam boiler, Burks boiler feed pump, and comes with all the plumping fixtures as well.
Emmark UK has gained a reputation as one of the leading independent suppliers of agricultural parts and continues to grow, expanding into new markets... Currently, here at Emmark UK, we distribute to more than 50 countries across 5 continents.
He has good bone and a good front third. I have a 4 year old monopoly bull for sale. Call or text Aaron Daugherty at 812 240 8579 The reason I am selling him is because I plan on keeping heifers back and it's time for new genetics.
I have to have him sold by next weekend. Asking $4000 Or Best Offer Easy on the dam.. Nice hair production even in the hot Florida summers. Registered Main Anjou bull. And Division champion BOB.
Would make a great show heifer looks amazing also would make a amazing herd cow. Definitely would win some shows. High Maine heifer. For more information and price call, text or email anytime.
Breeding age Full Blood Maine Bulls ready for January breeding season. Special 30 day pricing your choice: BNT Dakota - Reg # 468240 - dob 11/25/15 BNT Cody - - Reg # 468239 - dob 9/26/15 BNT Capital - Reg # 47688 - dob 11/1/15
We should respect the various opening techniques: if the bales are used for forage within two to three days, a hole is made in the front. Easy Storage: Bales can be stored almost anywhere.
(Broken kernel is less than 1/2 of whole kernel) Content of seeds in the kernels: 3% max. Content of seeds and kernels in the shells: 0.3% max. We are manufacturer of seeds processing machinery.
It was designed for drying edible beans, small specialty grains and grass seeds at a high controlled temperature to obtain minimum damage during drying and handling. Call ScoringAg.com 941-926-3400 http://scoringag-equipment.com/products.cfm
76 lbs - Correct Frame - Top EPD'S - A Semen powerhouse - Call today and build a Great Traditional Maine Anjou Herd. BNT TALON - Reg # 384978 - Full Blood Maine Anjou Bull - The Great One - Genetic Powerhouse : Coco Cola Reg #: 18 ...
He has made many nice show steers and heifers over the years. He is in the 1,800 to 2,000 lb range. $2500, 307 797 2797. This pic is him in his working clothes, never groomed up and on breeding pasture without any feed supplement.
Photos/ available. Priced to sell. Selling " The Great One" - BNT Talon Reg # 384978 - 100% Registered Maine Anjou - Dual Registered Short Horn - Reg AR # 61539 Our Best Herd Sire - Ever - Look at the Mass - then look at the EPD'S and Genetics : Coca...
Located in Gatesville, TX. Currently weighs six hundred pounds. Handles easily. Broke to feed but not gentle. Might also make an affordable show Heifer for a first-timer. EXCELLENT commercial Maine Anjou heifer.
Angus Sires Angus: Conneally Confidence or Conneally 7229. 3 head 1/2 blood Maine/Angus Bulls. If you need serious help with your cattle's type and quality, consider these guys Sire Mainetainer bulls Trademark, Dams: reg.
He is an calving ease bull. A 4 year old Maine bull out of Unlimited Power and Irish Whiskey daughter. Only reason for sell is due to the amount of females related to him.