3.5 - 4.5 Inch Class* SP-3 Drifter* Cummins 5.9L Diesel - Installed New w/ Only 438 Hours* Enclosed Cab w/ AC Extendable Boom Rod Changer Unit Running T45 Drill Steel
DTH Class* 4.0" - 7.0" up to 140'ft Deep Without Reloading Carousel* And Greater Depth with Reloading* CAT 3406E (C15) Tier-II Turbo Charged After Cooled Diesel Engine Carousel Holds Six Rods 20'ft long Onboard Sullair Air Compressor Capable of operating...
2.5 - 3.5 Inch Class* HD712 Drifter w/ 3,354 Percussion Hours* New Engine July 2008* Drifter redone each winter Approx. 4,768 Hours on New Engine 9,060 Total Frame Hours
4.5 - 5.5 Inch Class* CAT 3412 Diesel Engine w/ Only 1,500 Hours Since Rebuild* Runs 30"ft Drill Steel* High Pressure Unit w/ On-Board IR HR2 1050 CFM / 350 PSI New Pump Drive and Double Motor Spur Gear Head
DTH Class* Cat 3406-C Deck Engine New 2007* Hendrickson Carrier Powered by L-10 Cummins* 900/350 Compressor New 2007 Dust Collector Water Injection Ready to work
3) - Parts Units DTH Class* Four (4) Machines for the PRICE OF ONE!* Being Sold as a Complete Pkg. 1) - Fair to Good Condition (Qty. 4 - CM695D $85,000 Buys the Package CAT 3306 Diesel Engines HIGH Pressure IR Air Compressors for DTH Drilling (Qty.
3.5 - 4.5 Inch Class* HCR120 Drifter w/ 2287 Percussion Hours* Cummins Diesel w/ 5,828 Hours* Enclosed Cab w/ AC Set Up for T51 Rod Changer w/ One-Lever Control