Listingdescription: FREIGHTLINER ARGOSY 2006 MODEL Detroit Series 60 14LTR engine RTLO 20918B Road Ranger gearbox on Airliner suspension with Rockwell 46/160 diffs 4.3 ratio with rear X/Lock.
Listingdescription: IVECO ACCO 2350G 06 MODEL Cummins ISC engine Allison auto gearbox on HAS 200 suspension with Rockwell 46/160 diff with rear x lock 6.43 ratio.
Listingdescription: IVECO EUROTECH 1998 MODEL Iveco engine RTLO14713 Road Ranger gearbox on Hendrickson Has 400 suspension with Rockwell 40/145 diffs 4.3 ratio Gorski Steel Tipping Body with Subframe and Hoist.
Listingdescription: FREIGHTLINER ARGOSY SINGLE DRIVE 03 MODEL Cummins Signature GEN 2 RTLO 20918B Road Ranger gearbox on airbag suspension with Rockwell 46/160 rear diff 4.3 ratio now wrecking.
Listingdescription: SCANIA T112H 1988 MODEL SCANIA DS11 turbo engine GR871 10 speed gearbox on Scania heavy suspension with Scania diffs complete bonnet and cabin.
Listingdescription: FREIGHTLINER ARGOSY 2000 MODEL Cummins signature engine RTLO20918B Road Ranger gearbox on Airliner suspension with Rockwell 46/160 diffs 4.3 ratio now wrecking.
Listingdescription: FORD LNT9000 1982 MODEL Cummins Big Cam 350HP engine 15 speed Road ranger Gearbox on Reyco 4 spring suspension with Rockwell SP40G Diffs.
Listingdescription: ISUZU GIGA CXY PREMIUM 2012 MODEL Isuzu 6WGI Engine Isuzu JX12P transmission with Hendrickson HAS 400 suspension with Rockwell 46/160 diffs 3.91 ratio dual x/locks now wrecking.
Listingdescription: Title 2004 VOLVO FL250 Make VOLVO Price POA Listing Type Used Stock Number 26 Refcode TA899154 Volvo D6B Engine, Allison Automatic, Volvo Diff on Volvo Suspension with Rockwell Lazy Axle on Hendrickson Suspension, Garbage Compactor...
Listingdescription: KENWORTH T404S 2004 MODEL CAT C15 engine RTLO 20918B Road ranger gearbox on Airglide 460 suspension with Rockwell 46/160 diffs 4.1 ratio now wrecking
Listingdescription: FORD LTLA9000 95 MODEL Series 60 D/Dec 3 RTLO 16718B Road Ranger on Hendrickson HAs 400 suspension with Rockwell 40/1545 diffs 4.3 Ratio.
Listingdescription: FREIGHTLINER CST120 02 MODEL CAT C15 engine RTLO20918B Road Ranger gearbox on Airliner suspension with 46/160 Rockwell diffs 4.1 ratio now wrecking