You can also email us at wisebrothersequipment@gmail. All forms of payment other than cash must clear our bank before the item is considered paid for. Call or email us first before you come so that someone can be here to meet you.
Working Width - 33' Pull Type Tandem Disk Hydraulic Wing Fold Front Blades - 23.5" 9" Spacing Rear Blades - 22" 9" Spacing Cushion Gang/Rock Flex Rigid Scrapers Furrow Fillers Walking Tandem 12.5L-15FI Tires on Mainframe Walking Tandem 12.5L-15FI Tires...
These must clear our bank before the item leaves. We also have a loading dock. PICK-UP OF ITEMS We are located alongside Interstate 70 West of Kingdom City, Missouri, 65262. Sunflower 4311-09 - Very nice big ripper! It has not been over a lot of acres...