Capable of handling 2" material. Very heavy duty machine in excellent condition. Land Pride FM4188 88" flail mower with brush rake teeth. 972-782-8201 Additional Information Additional Information
Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move from premisis Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3 pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move
New 17' folding finish mower WDFM1017RTMFM new 12' folding finish mower WDFM1012RTMFM $8,500.00 Longview, Tx. 12 ft. This equipment is new and good paint. $10,000.00 Longview,Tx. 17 ft.
5 years old and very well maintained. It is a 5x10 with 4' walls, 2 outside cages, one small-front storage area, and fold down gate ($1500). I am in college, school was taking too much of my time, so I sold my clients and now I need to sell the equipment.