Yes, we decided to go with a blade and took nearly new outriggers off. 2011 Outrigger setup off from our new 180C . They will not disappoint ! Please inquire or better yet Come Take a L@@K !!
Very Good Krause Dominator 4850-18,Front Straight Disk 25", 7" Points W/Shank Protectors, 24" Concave Cushion Gang Disks, 23.5" Concave ripple Cushion Gang Disks, 12" Rolling Basket
1993 SF450B Pave to 25ft Series 2 Kit , Poly Pads, Minnich vibration monitor system, Unit was last used at Barnes Air Mational Guard base Westfield Mass 2013 and Fentress Naval in 2012 Chesapeke VA, Paved and worked well .
U of M rental return. Call Tyler or Andy at 507-645-4886., 6R/6M large frame loader ready 3 function single point coupler 96" heavy duty bucket loader lights five tine grapple