The bed of the truck is 8' long by 7' wide. The tread on the front tires are 13/32 and the tread on the rear tires are 9/32. Carfax shows no accidents on this vehicle. The total GVWR is 12,000lbs.
The transmission is a Maxidine Chassis 6 speed lohole. It has 44 rears. The GVWR is 30,000lbs. The motor is an E6 676. Cab to axle is 103''. This Mack truck has an inline 6 cylinder 237HP motor in it.
The front GVWR is 8100lbs. The overall height of the truck is 13'. The tread on the front tires are 10/32 and the tread on the rear tires are 17/32. C7500, DRW, 2WD, Dump Truck, Eaton Fuller
The bed of the dump truck is 10' long by 8' wide. The tread on the front tires are 14/32 and the tread on the rear tires are 16/32. The gear ratio is 6.14. The total GVWR is 37,000lbs.
Carfax shows this truck is a one owner vehicle with no accidents. The bed of the dump truck is 11' long. The tread on the front tires are 13/32 and the tread on the rear tires are 12/32.
The trailer is 6'6'' wide from inside the wheel wells. The tongue of the trailer is 5'6'' long. The flat part of the trailer is 12' long and the dove tail is 3'. The overall length of the trailer is 20'.
The bed of the dump truck is 10' long by 8' wide. The rear GVWR is 8600lbs. The front GVWR is 4800lbs. The total GVWR is 12,000lbs. 3500, 4WD, Diesel, Dump Truck 4x4 Cab to axle is 84''.
This crew cab dump truck is equipped with a Trafcon Smart Flash II arrow board. The rear GVWR is 9750lbs. The bed of the dump truck is 9' long by 8' wide. The front GVWR is 4850lbs.
I am the owner of the company my name is Christopher Wilson. We are trying forcast use the infomation at hand predict how we'll grow and what we'll need for equipment, trucks, etc.
Must Sell! live in east longmeadow, ma, can't ship, must come and get it, $2,000, call me at 413-221-7953 4 stroke, 6-speed, runs great, very fast, blue, headlights, has reverse, low miles, oil changed when needed
Price includes FET, control center vandalism kit, LED lights, front fenders, air ride suspension, remote pendent & incab controls, sideboards & brackets included, 2012 Load King trailer