Brand new Land Pride reverse rotation tillers in stock now! RTR0550, RTR1258, RTR1266 available today! 10 year warranty on the RTR12 series! 0% financing!
Rents in Virginia for $12-15 per acre. Has 22" shallow concave disc blade in front half and 22" 8 wave coulter on back half. Sold with new blades. 1/2" tine harrow with 14" HD roller
I-2100 series, 22" 8 wave and 13 wave coulters with finishing rollers on back. Transport width 10'. Working Depth 0" - 5". 2016 Salford 16' vertical tillage. Unit Includes a Valmar Seeder
Will Include disassembly to load on a truck Flat Bar rolling basket 20'9" working width ***LOCATED AT OUR ASHLAND, VA LOCATION*** 2623 NAR VERT TILLAGE-20'9"CAT IV HITCH This unit is at the Ashland, VA location.