New 42' chisel plow with castor wheel Come by Vernon store or contact Harlen Moore by phone or email 24/7 at (940) 887-9300 and for more information
WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. These must clear our bank before the item leaves. Sunday is God and family day, so don't even ask! We have cranes, forklifts, and loaders to load your purchase.
The tires are 10.00-15 size in good condition. This item is an M&W Earthmaster 1465 ripper. The disk blades on the front have 15" spacing and 22" diameters. It is a nice machine and is ready to go to work!
It sits on 10.00-15SL tires. CONTACT Feel free to call the shop at (573) 642-6395. It's about 14.5 feet wide. We are located on the north outer road between exit 137 and exit 144. Let us know if you have any questions - we are here to help! PAYMENT All...