Truly ready to go inspection good through December 2006 Email for pictures. Horse area is a step-in, straight load, good floor, good wiring, good tires including spare. Pulls great and easy to maneuver.
1999 GREAT DANE 53' x 102\" x 13'6 , Air Ride Suspension, 22.5LP Tires, All Aluminum Wheels, Sliding Tandem Axle, Swing Door, Aluminum Floor, Frame, Carrier, One side has little scratches .Passed DOT Inspection and ready to be on the road.
53' x 102\" , Air Ride Suspension, reeefer unit, unit in excellent condition, road ready 53' x 102\" , Air Ride Suspension, Aluminum Composition, 22.5LP Tires, Swing Door, Thermo King, 53X102 Air Ride, Thermo King unit, 11,500
(7) 2007 Utility VS2RA with Carrier XTC unit 53'x102\"x13'.6\" All good working condition. Regular maintained. Must ask $48,000 each. 53'X102\"x13'.6\" Good Condition.
Stainless door locking rods. Extra clean trailer owner operator specs. Trailer has flat floor with 4 vents. 48-102 spread on air thin wall. Trailer has led lights front and rear 10 tail lights plus 2 back up lights, 8 lights on top on rear, 8 lights on...
Both are excellent condition, clean and ready to go. 1 - 2001 Sunlite Sundowner 8 horse slant trailer (clean) 1- 2003 CM 8 horse slant trailer (low milage) CM is white, has drop down window on head side and sliders on but side.
Please let me know whats out there. I can be reached by e-mail or by phone. I have a few parts for the old{real skidders} 540s and im also looking for some as well.
I really need the differential rear ends and crankshafts. I am in the timbering business and also manufacture split rail fence. I would be interested in buying some spare parts to have on hand in case we have a break down.
2005 John Deere Cable Skidder for sale. Price is $135,000 plus shipping if necessary. Price is $135,000 plus shipping if necessary Almost brand new with only 500 hours.
2012 Peerless Booster Dolly, Newest Technology in Self Steering, Like New Barely used, 22.5 Aluminum Wheels, Matched 95% rubber, 102" wide, Very Adaptable to other lowboys, Call For Best Price in all of Truck Paper , (2) Available
Model: B DOUBLE TAUTLINER / CURTAINSIDER TRAILERS Used for Major National fleet and done only 235,000 kms since new. Would suit new buyer. Listingdescription: Vawdrey B Double Tautliner set.