4 antique wafon wheels, 6'' wide and 28'' high. They are old horse drawn wagon wheels will put picture of wheels on later. Do not have a picture at this time will inclose picture if desired.
Trailor also is in good condition. 5th wheel style. Loader is mounted on a 45' tandem axle with air brakes trailor. Cummings 4 cyl. 1989, Log Hog 35 foot reach continuous rotating head.
Was used lightly and well cared for , great all purpose saddle,very comfortable , knee rolls under the flap , no suede . Billets in great shape ,no tears ,must sell daughter no longer rides ,hate to see it not being used.Asking $500.00
Old Hydraulic pump rebuilt in last 6 mo. CTR Delimber needs bar & chain Loader is on Pitts Trailer tires: 11R22.5 Loader is currantly working on job site. 6598 new 5.9 Cummins motor aprox.
Harvester has 3000 hours, in excellent condition, made by Hytec Manufacturing for over 20 years. Two speed rollers can be shifted to high speed for softer wood with fewer limbs. Owner has retired from logging.