It will work on any 19,500 pound or larger wheel loader, with auxiliary hydraulic flow of 21 GPM, with most common coupler configurations available. A combination of cyclone based dust control, waterless sweeping, air knife and vacuum brings a cleaning...
100/90mm pins, 15 9/16" between the ears, 19 9/16" center of pin to center of pin. Brand new! HD Bucket with edge guards, heel shrouds, and HD side cutters.
One (1) New 2017 Hartl HBS1600, S/N: SC1600170051, Screening Bucket, Equipped As Shown Below: - Rated for 48,000 Lb + Machine - Bolted on S1 Coupler Call Joe Vergoni at (508) 326 6073 or Kevin O'Connell at (860) 970 - 9323.
Esco Hydraulic coupler for a Link Belt 210LX, X2, X3 or X4 Stick width 12" -Width inside of the ears 80MM pins 18" Center to Center Variable center pickup for attachments 11.75 to 18" Width at bottom 10.75"