1990 5000 lb capacity, air tires, gas, clutch transmission, 10 foot standard mast, headlights and back up alarm 1990 5000 lb capacity, air tires, gas, clutch transmission, 10 ft standard mast, headlights, back up alarm, serviced and ready to go.
13 shanks; parabolic; shovelwidth 7; folding frame; hyd fold; 18" shank spacing; spring reset; F coulters 21"; dia on 9" spacing cushion gang; R disk first rank 23" dia on 16" spacing; R disk waffled 23" dia on 12" spacing; rolling basket
24 row, 22" spacing, pull type hitch center pivot, bulk fill, corn and soybean disc, pro600, hyd drive, mechanical telescope hitch, direct drive, pneumatic down pressure, liquid fert w/L&D tanks, Case IH hyd drive pump, schaffert drop tubes, floating...
Used 2006 John Deere 1770 Planter, 24 Row 30" Spacing, CCS, 2 Point Pull-Type, Front Fold, Markers, Corn & Soybean Seed Discs, Hydraulic Drives, Pro Drives, Pneumatic Down Force, New Openers, Liquid Fertilizer, Ground Drive Fertilizer Pump, Red Ball Monitor...
Used 2013 Salford 8212 Moldboard Plow, 18 Width, Pull-Type, 12 Bottom, Gauge Wheels, Has IH Style Bottom with HD Share Bolts., 12 Bottom Pull-Type Gauge Wheels, Options: Spring Reset