Tires or Tracks: Tires 2013 New Holland T8.360 - Power shift transmission - Approximately 4400hrs - Hayes Front tank with Teejet controller - Linkage and PTO - Front Suspension - Guidance ready - Duals - Good rubber - Full service history Phone: 0746778117...
(TOTAL PRICING INC. GST $374,000) RENTAL RATES AVAILABLE! Ask about hiring at K-Tec scraper or land leveller for a complete earthmoving combo. 500Hp - 1431 Engine hours - 921 Driveline hours - Tracks (rear 100%, front 70%) - Serviced at all intervals...
Deutz 5130 MFD CAB Tractor Front End Loader & 2100 GP Bucket Serial No 1405131841 Model: 2015 Hours: 1,020 Condition: Excellent Located: New South Wales Price: $79,500 + GST Loader, Loader Make: DEUTZ FAHR