12' 6" - 20 in blades - new tires - good scrapers - 8.5 in spacing - straight disk - Several other BWA disks available - Check our website frequently, were always adding and rebuilding John Deere disks as well as many other brands and sizes as well.
13' 10" - 20" Blades - 8.5" Spacing - Good Tires - Harrows - Bearings seem to be in good shape - Good scrapers - above average - Several other BW and BWA Disks Available - Check our website frequently, were always adding and rebuilding John Deere disks...
12 foot - New 24in blades - Very Sharp - Good bearings - Good tires - Check our website frequently, were always adding and rebuilding Miller disks as well as many other brands and sizes as well
One Owner/Only 3337 Hours 2 Hyd - Jd 175 Loader w/Joystick - Canopy - Very Nice Tractor - 3pt and Pto Works great - Drives good/Shifts Good - Here's one nice Jd 2355 tractor - Bought new from Grissoms implement in Prague, Ok - Buy a good one
Super Sharp/Came of a Jd 4240 w/4200 original hours - Row Crop Mount Brackets - Fits a Jd 3020-4455 Tractor Your not going to find this Jd 148 Loader on every corner in this condition - Price reflects Condition
For Sale WD-45 Allis Chalmars 1954 WD-45 Allis-Chalmers wide front, Belt Pully, 12 volt, Schwartz loader with snow and Manure bucket, New Rubber, Tire chains $3000 or BO