Aerator only used once, box blade and spreader never been used. Electric upgraded from 6 volt to 12 volt system. Electric start, new carburetor, 4 speed, comes with 6 foot box blade, 5 foot bush hog and aerator and spreader.
2004 john deere 6320 cab mfwd 640 loader 3200 hours (been used as a spray tractor) 18.4-34 rear tires 12.4-24 front tires John Deere 6320 cab mfwd with a 640 loader. 16/16 power reverser transmission nice tractor
Has power reverser 12/12 transmission, 325 hours John Deere 4510 mfwd tractor with a 460 loader, power reverser transmission, foldable rops Real nice john deere 4510 mfwd tractor with a 460 loader.
Please contact me to provide me w/ a description o what you have a vailable. I can be reached @ Thank You No other igormation available. Looking to buy a John Deere 7700 no till 4 row corn planter
Super clean john deere 5425 2wd syncro transmission (9/3) 16.9-30 rear tires 9.5l-15 front tires dual mid svc's dual rear scv's john deere 522 loader 400 hours 2005 john deere 5425 2wd with a john deere 522 loader for sale low hours syncro transmission