800hp Cummins engine; 4WD; auto lube; 40 cutter head knives, 70% knife life left; am/fm radio; air cond; JD kernel processor; 50% roller life left; average feed roll condition; replaceable wear stripes; Pro drive - Green Star ready
Pro 700 AFS Monitor; 252/262 WAAS; AFS-Accuguide ready; Nav controller; am/fm weatherband; elec cab mirrors; hand wash station; unload auger for up to 40 ft header; standard cut chopper; 2spd elevator; standard grain tank; cloth seat; 6 HID cab lights;...
2WD; large wire concaves; standard chopper; 21' unload auger; 300 bu grain tank; standard cab; cloth, air seat; instructional seat; Pro 600 yield monitor; am/fm radio; partial HID; field tracker; HD final drives; AFX rotor; AHHC; grain loss monitor; 1...
Engine; Mercedes; 2 inline 6; HP; 860, Auto Lube; Chemical Applicator, Brand & Size; (Gallons); 71 Gal Claas; No of Cutter head knifes; 20; AM/FM Radio; Air Conditioning; On Board Air Compressor; Spout Camera; Scherer Kernel Processor