Find out more call or email We have kits for most grain carts, bins/hoppers, livestock or nearly any other on-farm application. Our kits use high quality Weigh Tronix components and are build to withstand today's harsh farming environment.
Ultrasound hand held device in mint condition. Can be used on any livestock. Sells for $3500 Canadian. Scantech Preg tester for all livestock. Email for more info. A hand held device that does an external preg check, back fat measurement and ribeye measurement.
Self propelled with water will operate with 300 gpm and 80 PSI. Model 400 Aquapel irrigation reel with wter gun. Built in BC Canada This unit new retails for $ 18000 and will sell for $ 8,000 Fob Winkler Mb Canada
Low profile bucket with replaceable cutting edge, level lift option, counter weight kit, back up alarm, block heater, tires like new, suspension seat, very good paint. 2004 Bobcat S185 skid steer loader, full cab and heat, 395 hrs.
900/55R32 GY 75% TBT Single Fan 10 Auger Single Shoot No Bag lift Add 4th tank/Canola Variable Rate Task controller 4 metering rollers 1course/2fine/1extra Single Fan 10 Auger Single Shoot No Bag lift