Grain hopper trailers for sale or rent. Also service and repair available for trailers and trucks. Wilson & timpte trailers - 2 axles - air ride - 78\\" tall - some 108\\" and some 96\\" wide.
2008 WILSON LIVESTOCK TRAILER TRIPLE AXLE Single Dual Single SDS 53 x 102 Hog pig or cattle Spring Ride 24.5LP rubber all aluminum wheels kemlite roof 3/4 fold down jail crank up nose deck counter balance 24.5lp 3/4 fold down kemlite Extra walk rail Winter...
Rows: 16 Row Spacing: 30 in Frame: Flex Fold Metering System: Exact Emerge Hopper: Central Fill System Row Command: Yes 4 10x15 tires Brush Belt Cartridge ExactEmerge markers do not go with planter orthman does not go with...
2016 Timpte Grain Hopper Trailer 50 x 96 x 72 Triple Axle Aluminum coupler (light weight option) Thunder Power Tarp with remote 26x54" roller doors 2 speed openers 2 rows of 9 bullet lights, top row at top rail stainless rear and corners tarp saver cords...
Number of Hoppers: 2
Composition: Aluminum
Condition: Used
2012 Peerless Walking Floor Trailer 50' 102" x 12'6" air ride slider Halco Floor 3/16 6" arch bows and doors 121 appox cu ft closed tandem air ride outside aluminum wheels shur-lok style roll tarp with rear flex handle and latch plate cross members on...