Wagon, real nice wagon average tires 16.5L16, new green paint. For more information please give us a call we will consider a trade or stop by the store and take a look at the wagon then make us a cash out right offer on the wagon.
Ficklin 400 bushel wagon we believe this is a ficklin but it has no stickers or markings saying it is. Nice heavy duty running gear follows nice, good solid box needs paint has surface rust, 10.00 - 20 truck tires this wagon is ready to go.
Unverferth 325 wagon 16-5LX 16.1 Tires no breaks extendable tong We have a very nice set of wagons for sale buy 1 or 2 the boxes are straight the paint is good for the age Please call for more info
Unverferth 325 wagon 16-5LX 16.1 Tires no breaks extendable tong We have a very nice set of wagons for sale buy 1 or 2 the boxes are straight the paint is good for the age Please call for more info