Have pictures available at your request. Dryers available after the 2009 drying season. Excellent condition. 1998 and 1999 Meyer SuperB Energy Miser 1200 Grain Dryers for sale. 2 - Meyer SuperB Energy Miser 1200 Grain Dryers in excellent condition in...
Easily changable screens 36\" x 42\" roll feed inlet hopper complete with motor ready to clean your seed call linda or terry great on the farm cleaner saves time fuel and money on transportation of seed/grain and increases your profit seed grade or food...
Asking $30,000 with manual distributor or $35,000 with electric, or best offer. New belt and cups, 6 hole 10' distributor (1 manual and 1 electric), 8'x8' 110' tower. Good condition, we just replaced with a bigger leg.
Call, email, or visit sloans.com for the current location of this item. Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores.
15 ft floating flex head in good condition , field ready , hydraulic reel drive ,electric float control New wobble box 3 yrs ago , bats and tines all there none missing , 100 acres on new cicle bar with bolt on sections
Call, email, or visit sloans.com for the current location of this item. Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores.
Truck Mount or Pull Types units available. 36" Silage Extensions and grain kit options. For your local dealer. Meyer 9530 Crop Max. 30' Body- 1,500 Bushel. Three different Spreading attachments available.
Jacks to lift front end, two 6" ports capped, one rear and front, five sight glasses on front end, transfer pump w/Ultra 17.5" impeller-PTO driven, ASAE approved safety chain, LED light kit w/ 7 pin connector.