Thanks for looking! Drill Type: Pull We accept cash and checks. You can also email us at wisebrothersequipment@gmail. We also have a loading dock. WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. PICK-UP OF ITEMS We are located alongside Interstate 70 West of Kingdom City,...
2017 Great Plains 1510HDP - ONLY PLANTED 186 ACRES - Consignment Please call JD Cresswell at 662-571-9910, 15' No Till Drill on 7.5" spacing with corn, soybean, milo and wheat seed plates Seed firmers need to be replaced or removed 3 each of closing wheel...
Very good cond. 4500 acres on cart and toolbar. Vangaurd population monitor. Acraplant row units. Flexi-Coil air drill 1740 cart with 8100 toolbar. Almost new acra plant row units on 10\" spacing.
Thanks for looking! Drill Type: 3 pt, Field Ready We accept cash and checks. You can also email us at wisebrothersequipment@gmail. We also have a loading dock. WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS.