I would like to update but to good to give away. This combine has been my family farms set of tracts for the last 9 years. We only run it when its muddy. 8 row head included We got a good video of it, and a good picture of it having to rescue a stuck...
Oxbo 51320 Cornhead 13 row 20" PTO Approximately 5500 Acres Use Maurer M24 24' Head Trailer Call Brad Bishop in Pulaski for more information 217-792-5086
Has computer with 9 log length presets, automatic top knife tension. 2002 Hytec RS 5500 Harvester. Samsung has 4300 hours on it. Fell trees or process behind feller buncher. Harvester has 3000 hours, in excellent condition, made by Hytec Manufacturing...