5000 lb capacity, air tire, gas, clutch transmission, 10 foot mast, headlights, back up alarm, serviced and ready to go. 5000 lb capacity, air tire, gas, clutch transmission, 10 ft mast, headlights, back up alarm.
Always shedded and maintained. Near new tires in rear 10500.00/offer for all And has been taken very good care of. Diesel engine,easy on fuel,65 pto hp,2 remotes,3 point,loader,grapple,mower,live power/hydraulics,power steering,8 fwd speeds,2 rev speeds,hyd...
Also Fox Silage Blower, MF 300 2RW Combine, MN 250 Gravity box on running gear, Kent Series V Diskovator (24 foot soil finisher), MF 1800 4WD tractor, AC C w/belly mower--crank start.
It comes with both a dirt bucket and snow bucket (both gravity). It has a 12 volt battery system. Call or email with more questions or to see more pictures. This is the perfect tractor for you hobby farm.
We're asking $2000 or B/O. For more information, please call Albert. Clark Forklift, 5,000 lbs. This is a good machine. Lifting capacity, 3-stage mast, pneumatic tires, gas engine Lifting capacity, 3-stage mast, pneumatic tires, gas engine.
PTO Driven, Electronic controls, new center auger & bearings 2 years ago. Batch Dryer, PTO Driven, Electronic Controls, Works Great! Very Good Dryer!! Best Offer Call Albert 580 Tox-O-Wik Grain/Corn Dryer.
I understand it was working equipment when it was parked. He has no use for this equipment and would like to find someone who could make good use of it. Fixer uppers - not used recently.
For Sale WD-45 Allis Chalmars 1954 WD-45 Allis-Chalmers wide front, Belt Pully, 12 volt, Schwartz loader with snow and Manure bucket, New Rubber, Tire chains $3000 or BO
$7,800 or best offer. 1979 GMC Farm Truck. Runs great!! Hast 62,000 actual miles. 1979 GMC farm truck with dump body, good rubber. Very Clean truck!! Well Maintained. Rubber is above 50%.
Galloway front unload manure spreader; new wood, paint & decals. Made in Waterloo, Iowa. Galloway front unload manure spreader for sale; made in Waterloo, Iowa.
Does not USE oil. Starts and runs perfect. Reasonable offer will be considered. Ready to go to work, see photo(s). Ready to go to work, see photos. Everything works great. Less thank 100 hours on new clutch's.
Please e-mail for photos. Field ready, excellent condition. Excellent condition, field ready. 24 1/2 foot International field cultivator for sale. 24 1/2 foot International 4800 field cultivator for sale.
Motor runs well. Price negotiable, Tractor could be used for parts. Mower \"under belly\" manufactuered by Haben, Racine WI. 2 wheel drive, Needs one new rear in transmission, all other works well, mower, snow blower, blade
Ford 4000 gas row crop good running tractor with new tires all around, back blade, 3 point hitch, PTO, and power steering. 1961 Ford 4000 Gas Row Crop Tractor with 5 speed manual transmission sold with back blade
Has extra deep lug rear tires, all tires good condition, needs new muffler or be repaired- has hole on side. Very nice tractor, runs well, new battery, fresh tune up, has custom front mount blade, asking 2700.00 or obo
1990 5000 lb capacity, air tires, gas, clutch transmission, 10 ft standard mast, headlights, back up alarm, serviced and ready to go. 1990 5000 lb capacity, air tires, gas, clutch transmission, 10 foot standard mast, headlights and back up alarm
Been sheded as long as been owned.Even the wooden hoppers are in good shape. I think you could seed grain with it if you just oil it up a little. Very clean I think all the parts are there.
One rubber wheel missing, one is present but unusable . All iron looks to be useable. About 12 feet tall -all wood and iron antique hay loader? Some of the old boards still attached- All iron in good shape for the age.
They all work well and hatched eggs last spring. Egg cups are small for quail eggs, but I do have larger cups as well. I have three Little Giant still air incubators available. Three used styrofoam little giant incubators with egg turners in them.
And for $200/acre/month, Healthy Ponds Systems is a highly effective AND affordable management option available to aquaculturists. This technology is now being used by golf course superintendants, city parks managers, zoos, home owners, and many others...
Balzer dragman hose. Will sell with or without hoses and cart. Hinzman Travling gun 1/2 mile. 1/2 mile Hinzman travling gun.Two 4 1/2in. Will sell with or without hoses And cart.
Toter for sale great running truck 2-way hitch good for any mobile home job. 1986 toter Int. Runs great ready to go. 2-way hitch a must see truck in use now with Dales mobile home transport
270 Hours, Silver Package, Enclosed cab/ heat, Power Bobtach, suspension seat Must Sell $21,500 270 Hours, Silver Package, Enclosed cab/ heat, Power Bobtach, suspension seat. This machine is like brand new Must Sell $21,500
Richey waterer for sale $200 also gail 1600 round bailer used all last season new chains and and extra belt $800 or best offer Waterer for sale works good sold cattle dont need it any more $200 or best offer