NOT a ground bearing goose neck. 22 ft 6 inches deck 11 ft 8 inches of Neck. Tail end is 14 ft. Fully operational. Side extenders also. Can ship if needed. Call Now 269 751 5167 Ask for John.
Does not include Flip neck in photo. New price about $15,000 plus FET. Fixed Spreader or Stinger for Drop deck trailer attachment, Like brand new hardly used.
Shipping available no problem. 4 Wheel Wagon Running Gear, Fifth Wheel Type Reach Pole Trailer, Equipped with Two Front Bolster Springs & Blocks on Rear Bolster.
FrontTireSize: 22.5 GrossCombinedWeight: 7.0 RearTireSize: 24.5 This truck features a 450 HP Cummins X15 engine and 8LL transmission, heavy-duty driveline with the Chalmers suspension.
FrontTireSize: 22.5 GrossCombinedWeight: 7.0 RearTireSize: 24.5 This truck features a Cummins ISX12 425 HP engine and Allison 6 Speed Auto transmission, heavy-duty driveline with Chalmers 46,000lb rear suspension.
Bodytypedetail: Dump Body The Peterbilt Model 567 is the look of modern trucking. The dash has all the gauges so monitoring all systems is only a glance away. Delivery available., Front Tire Size: 22.5, Gross Combined Weight: 7.0, Rear Tire Size:...