Front blade, hydraulics work good, metal treads. This is the industrial version John Deere 420 with no mechanical changes from the agricultural version. $4500 OBO This tractor has been used frequently, starts and runs reliably.
Tire chains for outside duals. -5000 hours -quad trans -2 outlets w/electric splitter -bolt on duals -chains Excellent condition, new paint, used for two seasons to pull a septage injector and 16 foot disc.
I have a bolt on snow bucket attachment to increase the bucket to one yard. I also have a car hauler to transport it and a snowblower that may be included at additional costs. 40 hp, 4x4, 560 hours, good bar tires, good condition, a little rust on the...
Asking price $15000. John Deere 4410 - compact tractor. 35 hp Diesel E-Hydro 4 w/d p/s approx 320 hrs 3 pt - quick hitch or also called I-match This is a great compact tractor. Tractor is in good condition, stored in barn at all times, will send additional...
442 hours, excellent condition purchased new 1997. JD w/loader (440) and backhoe. 1070 JD tractor New @ $14750.00 440 Loader W/forklift New @ $3957.00 canopy new @ $415.00 Purchased April 1997 Backhoe purchased new April 1998 @ $6900.00 Total new $26,022.00
This is a John Deere brand backhoe bucket. Thanks for looking! We also have a loading dock. WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. PICK-UP OF ITEMS We are located alongside Interstate 70 West of Kingdom City, Missouri, 65262.
This item is a John Deere 15' disk. It has one tire that needs to be replaced (see photos) and needs a hydraulic cylinder. Otherwise, it seems to be in good working shape. Most of the blades are about 18 inches across with 9" spacing.
All forms of payment other than cash must clear our bank before the item is considered paid for. We accept cash and checks. WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. These must clear our bank before the item leaves.